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RE: Become A Better Game Master and Storyteller #1

in #gaming8 years ago

"In other words, if a player uses a hero point, then that hero point becomes a villain point. If a DM uses a villain point, it becomes a hero point."

I like that mechanic better than the 'fate points' my DM stole from Warhammer. Have you played any of the narrativist games where the players have more control?


I'm assuming games systems like Apocalypse World or Burning Wheel are GNS? Where it's all player based rather than GM heavy. Is that right? If not, can you give me some examples of game systems? I'd love to try one out.

There's a spectrum. Games like The Mountain Witch still have a GM, though the players can over-rule certain plot points with tokens. Games like Fiasco or Diaspora almost dispense with the GM and have the story emerge out of player interaction.

Oh, I own Fiasco and Microscope, both excellent games. I've played them a bunch of times. I'll have to check out Mountain Witch and Diaspora. Thanks!

I don't know Microscope. What's that like?

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