Collection Reflection | Resident Evil

in #gaming6 years ago


I take a look back at one of my favorite survival-horror franchises and why I’ve stuck with it through thick and thin.

A morbid fascination


I’ve always been intrigued by horror in all forms of entertainment whether it was movies, comics or video games. I’m not sure what exactly drew me to it initially, but truly and honestly, as a pre-teen boy, it was probably the copious amounts of violence, cursing, blood and gore, nudity and sex that’s so prevalent in this genus of media. That and of course the nightmare inducing jump scares and grotesque monsters that kept me coming back for more.

My parents were never very strict when it came to my media consumption. I was able to watch my fair share of thrilling slashers and blood curdling creature features, short of the more explicit films. That was relegated to sleepovers at my friends’ houses. Thinking about it now, I honestly don’t know how we got away with it! The only condition was that if I got nightmares from it, it was my own fault. Which I was more than willing to deal with and regret at a later date.

There was, however, one thing missing. Something I hungered for that my soon to be decrepit VHS copies of Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street just wasn’t giving me. And that was the presence of horror in my gaming life. Sure you could find horror here and there on many consoles, but generally speaking the games there never really portrayed that sense of terror I was looking for. I wanted mature, violent, atmospheric scenarios like you’d see in the movies, only interactive! Now, I won’t discount the presence of these types of games on non-console gaming platforms such as the PC, but at the time, I never had access to them. Otherwise, you can bet your bottom dollar I would have been all over it.

Beginning of a beautiful relationship


Then one fateful day in 1995 the PlayStation was released in North America! With promises of full motion video, CD quality audio and state-of-the-art 3D graphics, the possibilities were endless!! I feverishly followed every ounce of news about this console, longing to try it for myself and begging my parents to get it for me no matter the cost! I even convinced them to rent it for me a few times over the next several months with games like Battle Arena Toshinden, Destruction Derby and Discworld. But it wasn’t until one year later, in March of 1996 that my dreams of being scared pantless by a video game would become realized. This was the month that cemented my want, nay my need, to have a PlayStation in my life. This was the beginning of a life long partnership with one of my favorite game series ever brought into existence. This was the release date for Resident Evil!

I recall seeing that illustrious cardboard long box sitting on rental store shelves, entranced by it’s disturbing cover art. And after reading over it’s synopsys and drooling over it’s screenshots, I knew in that instant I absolutely needed to play this game! Luckily my birthday was just around the corner, so I could hope and pray that I would find a shiny new PS1 of my very own next to my cake. And if not, I could at least play the ole “but it’s my birthday” card and convince my parents to rent it for me again. One thing was for sure though, I was predestined to play Resident Evil, and no one was stopping me!!

A few months rolled by and my long awaited birthday reared its beautiful head. And so did that chunky cardboard box with the words “Sony PlayStation” emblazoned upon its front. I finally had one of my own!! And in order to celebrate, I ripped that sucker open, which I more than regret doing thinking back on it, and called to order a sleepover with all my friends! We would then decree a trek to the video store in order to rent Resident Evil!

Corny and Delicious!


I was not disappointed either. Although the FMV cutscenes were hoaky and the voice acting left something to be desired. Resident Evil was exactly what I was looking for in my journey to find a little terror in my video games. It was unlike anything I’ve seen or experienced up to that point in a video game. It was atmospheric, mature, violent and filled with everything gameplay-wise that I’ve come to appreciate and love for many years to come!

The puzzles were fun, the story was intriguing and the jump scares kept me hooked and wanting to play more! Despite not being able to sleep afterwards. Classic scenes like the zombie dogs bursting through the window or fighting the giant venomous snake cemented my love for the genre in video game form! And to this day, it’s still one of my favorite games on the PS1.


Over the course of the series and across console generations, my love for the franchise hasn’t faltered despite its ebb and flow in quality. I have fond memories of having playthrough races in Resident Evil 2 with my brother, trying to see who could complete the game more quickly and efficiently. Or the first time I encountered the Nemesis in Resident Evil 3.

I remember getting my hands on Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube, wondering if the change in perspective and gameplay would hurt the series. And then being blown away by just how amazing it turned out to be and how satisfying it was to take down the killer El Gigante! Even when the series took its deep dive into the more action oriented latter years there was still fun to be had. Resident Evil 5 and 6 may have stepped away from the gritty claustrophobic zombie outbreak where your only hope of survival was in a few mixed herbs and an ink ribbon. And you may no longer have been the helpless ragtag police force in a small town, but a biohazard force to be reckoned with spanning across countries and continents. But the games never tarnished in my eye.Regardless of the bad rep the series may have suffered because of it.


Aside from a few of the non-mainline games in the series such as Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2, it unfortunately seemed like Resident Evil was losing its identity and losing touch with it’s horror roots. It moved away from that creepy mysterious mansion where you were afraid to turn every corner to an all out zombie massacre simulation. It was really too bad and a bit of a disappointment. As a fan of the franchise it was what initially made me fall in love with it. On top of it all it didn’t help that Shinji Mikami left Capcom. My faith in it ever returning to its origins was on a wobbly tightrope. Although, other franchises were picking up that slack by now, like Dead Space, Silent Hill and even Shinji Mikami’s own The Evil Within.

However, because of that, the hard transitions being made to the franchise, especially in 5 and 6, were getting a little easier to overlook Resident Evil’s trajectory toward blockbuster action. It was my “horror-lite” video game comfort food. And I would stick with it through thick and thin. I could always hope that someone at Capcom would get a clue, and bring the series back to its heyday.

Back from the Dead


And then someone at Capcom did get a clue! It actually seemed like their developers were really listening to the laments of Resident Evil fans. They released Resident Evil 7: Biohazard! I was a bit sceptical with their whole “throw a wrench in the gameplay” and making it a first-person survival horror. It didn’t take long though for me to realize that it wasn’t the camera perspective that made these games great, but their atmosphere and their mixture of stressful action and puzzle solving. And Resident Evil 7 did it beautifully.

The franchise really did go back to its roots and I was ever grateful for it. It revitalized my passion for Resident Evil and its quirks and I look forward to sinking my teeth into the rotted zombie flesh of whatever the series has in store for us in the future!

There may have been many ups and downs in it’s 22ish years of existence but I loved every minute of playing and collecting each new release regardless of its critiques. There are still a few gaps in my collection such as the Resident Evil Survivor games on the PS1, Resident Evil Gaiden on the GameBoy and Resident Evil Code Veronica on the Dreamcast and I hope to find them one day. I even have duplicates of some of my favorites both physical and digital (I have four copies of Resident Evil 4!). But one thing’s for sure, I’ll always proudly display these games on my game shelf for many years to come!

Are you a fan of the Resident Evil series? What was your favorite game in the franchise?

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Oh yeah, I can totally agree that these were too scary for me, not just from my parents perspective but also from me! I loved reading about your enjoyment around the series, these are the types of games that I love to see other people play, the 'let's play' phenomenon is perfect for me because its too scary for me to play hahaha.

Would you consider doing a lets play on one of these games on something like dlive? How cool would that be!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Compared to what you can find out there these days Resident Evil would probably be considered pretty tame. Really it was the stressful situations you were put in that made them so addicting.

With the release of Resident Evil 7 though, the series was brought into the modern horror age and I can say it was creepy as heck fire!

I really like the idea of sharing the games by releasing Let's Plays of the series but I haven't had much luck in the past with that type of content.

If I can get enough support though I would love to try! And who knows, maybe I'll just do it anyways! 🤓

I never got to play any of those growing up. They were “too scary” according to the old people lol.

I really just love the artwork on those cases. What I really miss these days from just having digital copies of everything is the amazing artwork. Really showcase an era well in what advertisers thought would catch your eye and lure you to a game at the store. Nowadays they just don’t seem so great.

I completely agree! That's why I love collecting retro games, or just physical media in general. What I especially appreciate is finding "complete" games with their intact box and game manual. Like you said, it's like looking back into the past and seeing what PR peoples of yore thought would be eye catching and interesting to their targeted audience.

And let me tell you, some of it is horrible but a lot of it is amazing. The 80's and 90's were interesting and exciting eras to live in as a gaming fanatic haha

Hehe I somewhat recall so many horrible ones from the 90's. Some outstanding artwork came out from that era as well. Buying a game based on how it looked on the box did not always work out so well.

It's so true! Believe you me, I've been burned by solely basing my selection on a game's cover art. Good on that artist I guess haha

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Awesome! Thank you!!

Man, I've played my good amount of Resident Evil games too, it's become a love/hate relationship by this point :D

Started on the PS1 and followed it through PS2, but I kind of stopped after some point where gameplay wasn't the same. I don't like horror games as much as you, I don't have the heart to take it, but to me resident evil wasn't only about the horror, it was the mixture of puzzles, exploration and survival that kept me coming back. I didn't like the First Person Perspective, I'm too faint of heart for that, but what do you think about giving us a Resident Evil that isn't truly lineal but that allows some degree of exploration?

I think that making it a bit more open-ended, multiple endings and adding places to explore in a detective-like way would be amazing. Kind of like the original, you're in the town, clock is ticking and you need to find a cure, the hints are hidden all over the place and you'll need to search, look for ways out, there is no lineal path, and there is danger everywhere... heck I think even a non-horror fan like me would play it (and have nightmares at night XD)

I agree that Resident Evil kinda went stale for a few years there. The shift to first-person though, definitely revitalized it. But with the changing video game landscape, the quirks that drew people in since its genesis are kinda pushing newcomers away and that was still apparent in Resident Evil 7.

I do think it could be interesting to open the world up a bit. Shinji Mikami did it with The Evil Within 2 and met with some success. I'm also seeing it in the latest God of War as I play through it now. Open worlds have definitely been trending lately and they breath life into the world you're exploring. The only issue I have with that is that the story can sometimes suffer (not that Resident Evil has ever really been know for that haha).

With many fans being used to more short, concise and linear stories that whole paradigm may turn them off. But maybe what Capcom needs to do is not cater to them quite as much and make the series as a whole more appealing to a wider audience.

Regardless of what they do, you can bet I'll be there for the midnight release!!

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