Rise of Steemit: Steemit Ironman #4 (Europa Universalis IV)

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello Again Steem Folk!

Welcome back to our Steemit campaign. For the previous episode, click HERE.

Today we're picking up where we left off.

More Troubling Times Await:

When we last left off, we'd sent our colonist to explore the nearby islands of Cape Verde. We'd managed to regain our Jolofian holdings and take the weakened Fulo as a vassal.

One thing that's been making things difficult for Steemit is our Norse religion. As you might be aware, there are no Norse provinces in EU4 without making a custom nation or converting your CK2 campaign. This is problematic when trying to hold your nation's religious unity together, especially considering the weak missionaries the Norse have.

We look to Mali, who is currently collapsing due to civil war. We consider attacking with our allies, but they have strong allies as well, so for now we wait.

We decide it would be important for our colonies to be more developed and use our gathered splendor to make it so.

Morocco, our faithful friends, call us to war against Portugal and Castille. We reluctantly accept.

We send our light ships to block the Gibraltar Strait so that no enemy troops can pass. So far, the war is looking good if we can keep them on the other side.

But of course, RNGesus giveth and taketh. As soon as the war seems to be in our favor, Castille gets the Iberian Wedding event and gains a personal union over Aragon and Naples, pulling them into the war.

Now our combined navies are no match for theirs, so we pull back, attempting to return our troops home and avoid more devastation.

We sense defeat is imminent and begin withdrawing our troops toward our ships.

With the rise of, yet again, more Jolofian separatist, we hurry to get our troops home.

This is made impossible with the arrival of the Portuguese and Castillian fleets, both containing heavy ships which we can't dare to fight.

Seeing that the war will likely be a loss, we look to the New World.

We make peace with the Castillians in order to focus on our falling apart nation.

Unfortunately, we're too late to the party and Jolof regains its independence for the third time.

Our spies in Mali report that they will soon attack Jolof, so we hurry to action. We can't let them claim the valuable lands, especially Cayor.

We take a huge hit to the stability of our nation, but we must stop Mali from growing stronger.

Our heir, Polysperchon, decides to take up arms and start a coup against us. Ned Scott doesn't go without a fight and kills his heir in cold blood.

While we're unable to save Cayor, we manage to take Trarza and some ducats.

In our time of need, Oyo comes to our aid.

We hire an explorer and send him with three of our ships to begin to learn of the New World and what it has to offer.

With our economy in shambles and our loans threatening to destroy our nation, we form a national bank with the hope it will slow down our growing inflation.

Cape Verde grows into a self-sustaining city, helping our economy and our dying nation.

We send a colonist to Sierra Leone, the farthest province we can reach so far. This won't give us another border with Mali and we can work our way to the Ivory Coast from here.

And for now we hold steady while our colonists settle Sierra Leone.

With that, we'll end this episode.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope you enjoyed this episode and stay tuned for the next one.

This is P5ych0path, signing off.


This Steem campaign is cool as fuck

Hey. I like your post.
Please, check my last story, I hope you would like it! :)

Hey thanks! I'll check it out.

I'm not use to this map mode, I thought you had taken all of the Iberian coast by 1493 for a second!

I wish that I was half that good. Lol. Thank you!

How long have you played? I think I've locked in around 1000 hours without finishing a campaign! I don't play anymore but I love seeing Let's plays like this!

I've got just under 1200 hours under my belt and I'm till learning because the game has changed so much since I started back early last year. I've only played about five of my campaigns through to the end honestly. You might enjoy all the new mechanics they've added.

Yeah I bought everything up until just before the estates mechanic came out, still played up until about a month ago with the free features though, a lot of things didn't really work!

This is fucking awesome. Just read the first parts, keep up the good work!

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