Mortal Kombat 11 gameplay

in #gaming5 years ago (edited)

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Is it just me or Mortal Kombat 11 gameplay is literally the talk on every gaming channel on YouTube?

Hi guys and a good evening to you all out there, wherever you are.

We looked at some points about Mortal Kombat 11 a while back and also how it was one of the best fighting, if not still the best ever produced.

Made reference to my childhood, when we had to battle friends and family to prove who was the best in the game, sometimes you were lucky to win probably continously and other days not so much.

The game was quite addictive way back then, after it was introduced, and later gain more ground to the likes of other fighting base game, that was together developed then.

Probably its unique fighting style, the use of combos which were continuous beating of the opposite player by pressing certain keys, this could actually be called a form of multitasking when you play Mortal Kombat base games.

Also we did mention certain key features that further improved the performance and game audience, which were Bability, Brutality, Fatality and what have you.

The option to input secret codes which granted or gave you access to restrict informations made it all the more fun, as you could easily code any of the fatality to work by just pressing a button on the control-pad, this might seem unfair to others and fair to some

After all, it's better than the system currently in place which demands users to pay to win or probably pay to no longer look like a noob game skins.

Truly retro-game are really the bomb.

Even though newer games offer better graphics, but retrogames did offer good game storyline that users were able to play and understand, unlike what we see today.

Gaming with no proper or bad direction and most times they are usually more expensive when compared to interesting ones.

That been said, Mortal Kombat gameplays currently circulating the internet brings and show us what MK11 as to offer and I must say they actually delivered and did not disappoint.

Watched closed to 5 or more gameplays now and each brought new champions and different skills available for use.

The game also featured Fatality and Brutality, as we have seen on previous MK games before now.

A gameplay to better show you guys about the above.

NRS highlights.

If you did enjoy the gameplay, do leave a comment or two behind

Till some other time do have fun and stay bless.




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