It's Quiz Time Review - Varied game rounds

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

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Quiz games are back again. We recently saw Knowledge is Power appear for the PlayStation 4, which was a nice yet somewhat limited game. The next game that presented itself was It's Quiz Time, a game that is a lot more extensive and also has a higher production value. In addition, former Buzz developers have contributed to this game, so It's Quiz Time may be even more interesting for the avid quizzers. We dived into the game and searched it for you.

Iiiiiiitttttt'ssss Quizzzzzz time!

The title of this game could not be better chosen, because it serves perfectly as an introductory text to warm your friends for a game of quizzes. You can play this game on your own, but then you will be ready very quickly. The focus is on the multiplayer and with up to seven others you can get started in this fun quiz game. Just like the games that fall under PlayLink, you also play It's Quiz Time with the help of a mobile device. That can be a telephone, but you can also use a tablet and whatever you choose, first you have to download an application that functions with the game on the PlayStation 4.


If everyone is connected, the names have been entered and a selfie has been made, the quiz can start. The quiz itself consists of a number of rounds with, of course, very diverse questions. The way of answering questions is, however, a bit more faithful to TV shows, than with Knowledge is Power. This way you get multiplechoice questions, but also questions where you have to operate a slider and the person closest to the correct answer wins. Other ways of quizzes are putting certain things in order, choosing the right answers from a field and so on. During a quiz all these ways of quizzes can pass and that keeps the variety going.

Nice and fast

The pace in It's Quiz Time is reasonably high and that is very nice. A known point from previous quiz games is that at a given moment you get a bit bored with the show around it. The presenter has to have a chat, the candidates are shown, there is an animation and that keeps repeating itself. That is important for the decoration, but if you play a game for the fiftieth time, then you have seen all that fuss at a given time and then it can become a bit irritating.


The makers of this game have obviously thought about that. Between the questions, the presenter will make all kinds of remarks, explain and more. However, you can skip this, so that if you want you can go directly from question to question and from round to round. This makes playing It's Quiz Time a lot easier in the short and certainly long term, because it allows you to play the pots quite quickly. No matter how nice it may be dressed, in the end it's all about the questions and you're always curious about what you get on your plate again. If every quiz game had such a skip option, it would be very nice.

A lot of questions... but

It's Quiz Time has quite a few questions and answers. It can really be about everything, but there is a chance that you will see some questions coming back now and then. Nevertheless, the amount is sufficient, so you will not easily get bored. The questions are naturally arranged for a worldwide audience, but that also comes with a small problem. You are dependent on English. Now that is not such an issue in itself, until the questions become too specific. If, for example, you have to estimate the inhabitants of a random place in the United States, it will be rather haphazard guesswork, because you simply never heard of that place.


Now these kind of questions are fun for the American public, but in the Benelux you have very little to do with that. Then estimating the number of inhabitants of Amsterdam, Brussels and Klazienaveen is a lot more fun. For example, the game has more of that kind of questions, which automatically puts a young audience out of the game. A solid English knowledge is also important, because you do not immediately know what it means. The result is that you just sit gambling and if you have multiple gamblers in a round, then the actual quizzes falls a bit to the background.

It is understandable that a game can not be localized to any language, but in a game like this it is actually quite crucial. Is your English knowledge very good and you play with some older players who have a bit of worldly knowledge, then of course it is not a problem. Nevertheless, it is a party game for young and old, so keep this in mind when considering a purchase. Apart from that, we have to emphasize once again that the questions themselves are fun, varied and creative, so that the game remains playable for a long time. Moreover, in addition to a traditional quiz mode, you can also compose your own quiz by choosing different types of rounds. There will also be more content for the game in the long term, so people are planning to keep the game alive for a long time.


Tap tap tap... hello?

It's Quiz Time uses mobile devices as a way of answering questions as already stated. Unlike PlayLink games you do not have to mess around with hotspots, connection search and more. Those games have to look at how It's Quiz Time does that, because there is a connection in no time and that's why setting up a game is much faster. So far good news, but there is also a considerable disadvantage to this way of playing that we see now and then more often than with the PlayLink games, namely that the mobile application is not functioning properly or that the connection suddenly disappears.

During the review session we had several times that the connection was lost and that is certainly very annoying with many players. It takes the pace out of the game and if that happens once or five per game, the frustration increases. What is it about? No idea, we tested connections via Wi-Fi and via 4G and in both cases the connection wanted to disappear without any reason. And if that is not annoying enough, we have also had several times that the application simply did not respond or that the answers did not come into the picture.


If you have to answer within a certain time, but the answers do not appear on your mobile, there is a chance that you will miss an answer. That does not have any negative consequences for your score, but players who have an answer to fill in automatically expire on the rest. The result is that there is an unfair battle that no one can do anything about. That it happens once, that could be possible, but we have unfortunately found this on a too frequent basis and then the fun of it is quickly declined. Perhaps an update will fix this, but until that time there is a good chance of unfair pots and that is simply not fun.


It's Quiz Time is very successful as a quiz game. The decoration is neat, the pace is right and the questions, as well as playing rounds are very varied. That makes the game ideal for weekend entertainment with your friends. That with a view to the future, which the developer is still planning a lot, makes this game seem like a long life. Something needs to be done about the mobile application, because frustrations and not being able to answer is simply annoying and making pots unfair.

➕ Nice questions
➕ Varied game rounds
➕ Cheerful and smooth decoration
➕ Possibility of skipping animations and explanation

➖ Disconnects
➖ Mobile app does not always work well

Thanks for reading.

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