Top 10 Game Development StudiossteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming8 years ago

Today i will talk about gaming studios that are making all those great games on a consistent basis. Some of my favorites are not alive today like Troika Games, Black Isle Studios, Westwood, but people that worked there surely made it to some of the game studios that i will name on this list.  

1. Relic Entertainment

Relic is my favorite because i seem to like Warhammer 40k universe more than Starcraft universe. Guys from Relic made Dawn of War games that i play to this day and can't get enough of them. They also made some of the "small" games like Homeworld and Company of Heroes. 

2. Blizzard

Some say that Fallen Angels are working in Blizzard cellars cause that is the only logical explanation how they can make so many godlike games. Blizzard must be on top of any list, this game developer studio is making hit after hit. They even have their own gaming conference like E3 called Blizzcon.

3. Obsidian Entertainment

Former Black Isle Studios people formed Obsidian Entertainment. Big names in games industry like Chriss Avellone work there. Some of the best games I've played were made by Obsidian, games like Knights of the Old Republic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Pillars of Eternity. Now they are working on a brand new isometric RPG Tyranny.


4. Bioware

What can I say about developers who created Baldurs Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Jade Empire. Nothing but the best has been made from Bioware. They even created my favorite MMO Old Republic. There is no ware like Bioware. 

5. CD Project Red

This Polish studio has been raising in ranks of popularity with Witcher games, the amount of love and hard work that was put into Witcher games is nothing short but a miracle. Next game in line that is hyped like crazy is Cyberpunk 2077. Can't wait for that one. But once that game releases i will have one Billion Steem Power.

6. Bethesda

They started with Elder Scrolls franchise, they later bought the rights for Fallout games, very smart move, that made them considerable amount of cash and now they are creating many new IP's like Dishonored, Rage etc. Bethesda has become a true gaming giant.

7. Rockstar Games

They created one of the most played game franchises ever, GTA games are so popular that even law suit has been made against them. They also created Red Dead: Redemption which was hugely popular cowboy open world game, open worlds are their speciality, and they are great at their job. 

8. Square Enix

This is a huge company working all over the globe, they develop and publish games. With purchase of Eidos interactive they gained some big name franchises like Deus Ex. Some other games they have made are Finnal Fantasy, Thief, Tomb Raider. 

9. InXile

Big name in the gaming industry since Planescape Torment is Brian Fargo, he left Interplay and formed this studio. Their success came from the Kickstarter game Wasteland 2. Game in the making at this moment is Torment: Tides of Numenera. Also game worth mentioning they created is Bard's Tale, game i enyojed quite a lot.

10. Gearbox Software

I like this guys mainly for their Borderlands game, shooter ARPG that that is one of the most played franchises in recent years. They do make a flop here or there but i will give them a benefit of a doubt because they are creative bunch of people. They have the rights for Homeworld and Duke games so watch out.



nice,,, i like rockstar games anyway

Rockstar is like a true Rockstar, everything about their games is about sex, drugs and rock&roll.

haha.. you know what i mean : )

Lets all have a moment of silence while we remember the ending of ME3, boring DA2 and 3 and ...Diablo3.
Also, Bethesda sucks. Fallout 4 is another shallow ocean like Skyrim was. Lifeless and lacking graphical fidelity. It only lives thanks to the modding community. Story was totally subpar.
But that's just me.

Yeah some of the games did not meet the expectations, but i still believe in those devs. You can improve any of those games with mods.

I can remember after ending ME3, I went to youtube and watched an fan made edited custom ending, trying to forget the real one. :D

Real one was WTF. Full reset with Mass Effect Andromeda, who knows how will that game turn out to be.

Seeing how it has a Q1 2017 release date and judging by what I saw from the gameplay demo... I don't think it's gonna be good :(
I bet they will postpone it.
*And the commentary was just awful. They talked technical bullshit. Basically lied about what 4K and HDR is. "it's gonna enable unprecedented fidelity". Give me a break. Maybe 10y olds will fall for it, all it did was leave a really bad taste about the new ME. I fear it's gonna be ME3 all over again... big advertising and zero content. (OK... the game was ok in general, but def the weakest in the series.)

I think Andromeda will be good just because it is in the making for 3 years now by top notch devs, also i like when they postpone the games, gives devs more time to smooth up the game. Better finished product than half assed quick buck. Their reputation is on the line.

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