---- Adventures In Anumun - A Steem Monsters RPG DEMO - First Impressions----steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming6 years ago

Screenshot (19).jpg Adventures In Anumum - A Steem Monsters RPG DEMO

The Adventures In Anumun - A Steem Monsters RPG DEMO was released today and being a longtime gamer, naturally I had to get my little paws onto it and have a bit of a go.

Unfortunately my cutting edge Samsung phone was playing games of its own and I was unable to get the Android version onto my phone, but that has everything to do with my phone and not the game as I know that there are various people that are playing on the game their phone's at the moment. stoopid samsung.... but i digress....

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So after a couple of clicks on my PC I attained the Windows version and installed Adventures In Anumun - A Steem Monsters RPG DEMO on my PC which didn't take very long at all. Within moments I was sinking my teeth into the game. The opening scene shows our main character's meeting at a training session with most members missing in action, some questions arise regarding this and it begins setting the scene and opening the story up to be fleshed out.

After some back and forth in a dialogue the first enemy appears, giving us a quick test of the combat system and how it works. Being thrust into battle this way give us a feeling of sink or swim scenario. With a evil afoot it is time for our Heroes to make haste and try to establish some form of understanding of what is happening. And thus begins the tail I've seen Monsters RPG.... tryna minimize spoilers ;)

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The are various interesting characters to interact with throughout the lands as the player makes their way through the demo. Without giving too much away there are various tributes to steemians scattered throughout the world. In my brief play time I found four I'm sure there will be more to encounter as the game progresses.

With a few battles under the belt there have been a number of enemies to contend with while roaming the lands, with each battle providing stats and in game currency.

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All the elements are in place to make a great RPG moving forward, it will be interesting to see how the story in the demo develops with more gameplay. I'm sure the full version of the game will expand further on this great foundation which has been put forward and flesh out a tale full of twists and turns.

So if you like RPGs, video games, or games in general, I definitely recommend giving this a crack and see what you think. It is available on various platforms from PC, Android, etc. i have provided link to the demo at the very top underneath the first image. Try it out, have some fun, and let me know what you think :)

oh geez wonder who that is in this last pic ;)

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The game looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, can't wait to try it out myself! Thanks for doing a review @mfxae86!

I am a curator for the You Got Snekked curation project and this is just to let you know that...

You got SNEKKED! ;)
Expect a certain Snek to come 'round and give you a bite soon ;)

You Got Snekked is a curation project!
We aim to find good content, share a happy moment, & some visibility. Your post got our upvote, and we will feature your post and possibly an image from it in our 35th curation compilation if you don't mind! If you don't want to be featured, please let us know!

Also, feel welcome to join our community on Discord! -:


thanks mate, its just s first impressions so peeps know whats up and have the 411 on it :) im keen to see how the project develops form here :)

oooohhhhh thats one scary snekked mang !!!! thanks for the love, copious hugs in your direction :)

It's really cool ..I like they character, small and cool..Looking forward to playing it, and i don't even like games ...well not since i beat Mike Tyson on Punch out so many many years ago ..haha

Definitely recommend checking it out, you will have a good laugh with some of the characters you interact with along the way ;) make sure you let us know your thoughts on it after giving it a crack.

lolz, i played Super Punchout again recently, did a review of it too. good bit of fun them games :)

@macchiata mentioned something briefly about being able to try it... linux code anyone?

Hey @vladivostok, I tried to download the linux version. Still trying to figure out how to run it :-D maybe it's just me but if anyone has tried the linux version, maybe share a story!

when you get it going make sure to comment what you think and any constructive criticisms, always good for devs to get that kinda feedback :)

For sure :-))I'd definitely write up my feedback once I get it going!

giddy up ;) Its multi platform so if one dont work just jump on another... :)

thinking of redoing a particular tune in open tuning, want to try something different, just need to figure out the tuning and play with it

yeah that is the kinda stuff that makes it your own and you can put your soul into it.... i have done that with some of my own stuff in the past just fine tuning it to really "be you" when you perform it :)

Crackin game.
I gave up gaming 10 years ago.
I was good too.
I had all the consoles ever since the NES came out.
In the end my XBox 360 broke for the 4th time so I threw it away..
That was the last of my gaming ..

it's been forever since I gamed, would be cool to get into a new game but I just don't see how I could sit and play these days, so much work to do and I am not as young as i was before when i had the time, nor did i have any responsiblities....i dont have a console of any type right now but would consider it maybe

I feel ya Vlad. Also games are not what they used to be... Acquiring a new game and working out all it's features takes too much time.
I like the look of that Fortnite game, but all the crap that goes with it puts me off. Upgrading this and that,, the inventory looks crazy.
I will wait for a cheap VR headset and find my way back into gaming from there.
I think VR gaming is the way forward :)

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