EON - The Digital Game Distribution Platform

in #gaming6 years ago

Blockchain games are games based on blockchain technology, while crytokitties might be the first game most people played on the blockchain, it is not the first game ever created. The history of blockchain gaming goes far back as February 2014, when Huntercoin was released. It was an experimental test to see how games would fair on the blockchain, in the game gamers compete with each other to mine hunter coin. After the release of Ethereum in July 2015, building a decentralized app on the blockchain became easier leading to the development of more blockchain games.

In the traditional game world, game developers give 30% or more of their revenue to centralized game distribution platforms like apple, google and so on just to acquire users, they spend huge budgets on marketing to reach their target users, this big problem make game developers to focus their attention on marketing their game rather than building a great game. This leaves ads platforms and centralized distribution platforms at the winning side while game developers and gamers are left at the loosing end.

traditional digital game distribution platform.png

Several problems exist in the current method of game distribution which blockchain technologies like EON looks at resolving:

When developers release a game targeting the global market, they have to integrate payment methods suitable for the various local markets. Developers usually have to find local partners or handle the local sales pricing themselves. This greatly increases cost for developers, which might make them to limit their games to certain local markets thereby denying gamers in other countries opportunity to play such games.
Delay of payment by centralized distribution platforms is another great problem faced by game developers, payment can be delayed as long as 60 days and payment is made at specific days in the month. This makes it difficult for developers to handle their cash flow, especially for indie game developers.

Game Discovery and Promotion
The increased marketing cost is another problem faced by developers, the cost of new user acquisition has increased from less than $1 to more than $12. In order to increase the popularity of their games , developers have to contribute their revenue to distribution platforms (30% of their revenue), and spend time and money in finding effective ad networks to reach targeted users. The exposure rules on distribution platforms is criticized of not being transparent for example Apple’s editor driven app recommendation system is a blackbox. Developers are thereby forced to design games to meet rules of distribution platforms instead of designing games to suite gamers, in order to get more exposure and reach more users. Most ads networks are not transparent and traceable, which means developers cannot calculate conversion rate and ROI.

Using blockchain technologies, especially ethereum EON platform is going to tackle most of the challenging problems facing game distribution.

Global Accessibility and Efficient Payment
EON Platform would originally be built on Ethereum but in the future adopt other blockchain technologies like EOS, also cryptocurrency would be used as a means of payment on the EON Platform with this gamers around the world can access the EON platform easily. Developers don’t have to worry about adjusting sale prices or integrating local payments as the cryptocurrency system has handled it all. Developers can also receive payments from EON platform quickly since transaction on the blockchain is fast. They can choose to hold cryptocurrency or change to fiat currency

Discover and Promote Games Easily
Smart contract would be used to track traffic across the EON platform, since every user behavior is traceable on Ethereum, it would greatly reduce fake traffic and make it easy for developers to calculate conversion rate and ROI. Other incentive mechanisms to motivate gamers to broadcast the game they like in a decentralized manner would also be introduced and this result in a win-win situation for both gamers and developers.


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Well written sir, i am so bullish on this one

EON platform is bringing light to help gaming industry. Nice article

I love games, bringing games on blockchain will get me more addicted. Good development from EON team

Well written. I just clicked ur link to see that EON whitelisting is ongoing. Hope you have joined the whitelisting. I am goin in big on this one. thanks for the eye opener

Eon will definitely transform the gaming industry, with it's unique features, nice article

Eon has a hard working team that a thriving to make this project successful. Keep up the good work guys

EON will make a huge difference in the game industry. Lovely article by the way

Nice reviewed article about the eon project

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