My Commodore Amiga Story & The top 10 Commodore Amiga games from my childhood.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit friends,

I'm about to give away my age - in my teens I had a Commodore Amiga - you can work the rest out for yourself! It was the A500+ with a 2mb memory expansion. Yes, a whole 2 megabytes. Just think of all the Bitcoin I could have kept in that bad boy. I also had the most amazing bit of kit, an Action Replay MKIII, which allowed you to poke at memory addresses and get extra lives in games and all sorts. I was living the dream back then. Atari ST owners looked on in a state of awestruck admiration at the quality of this piece of kit, wallowing in the pain that came from the knowledge that they had bought the wrong home computer.

Competition Pro Joystick

When I wasn't wasting my time watching Amiga music demos such as Jesus on E's, I'd spend all of my time playing games, like every other geeky kid who felt too awkward trying to get into pubs, playing sports or chasing girls. I'd grab hold of my indestructible competition pro joystick (which I won by sending in an Action Replay poke to Amiga Power magazine).

Now onto the interesting stuff - my top 10 games from over 20 years ago (now I feel old)

10 - Another World

This was some crazy hard cinematic masterpiece. The intro was a sight to behold (video below). You would control this chap who had somehow been zapped during a science experiment into another world. If you managed to dodge the funny slugs with spikes on their butts, you would get chased and normally killed by some weird mountain lion type thing. I love the first bit of this game - I was too rubbish at it to get very far though.

9 - Zool

You were some kind of black ninja ant, running around in a world made of sweets, with product placement overload by Chupa Chups Lollipops. It was beautiful to look at and the music was epic. I wasted many an hour bouncing around like a crazy lunatic on this.

8 - Monkey Island 2 - Le Chucks Revenge

This point and click puzzle adventure was cracking fun. You can get a modern version now with updated graphics, but the original stands the test of time. Guide Guybrush Threepwood through all sorts of trials and tribulations. At points frustrating, especially without the internet to help you out with the puzzles, but more than made up for by the sheer hilarity of some scenes. Pants-wettingly hilarious

7 - The New Zealand Story

Apparently, the developers went to New Zealand to research this game. I dunno what they did when they were over there, but it may well have involved a lot of hallucinogenics. Where they got the idea of a baby chicken running around firing arrows and chucking bombs, I'll never know. Love this game though, the music was so catchy that I used to hear it as a background track in my nightmares.

6 - Cannon Fodder

"War, never been so much fun" was the tagline for this. And boy was it right. One of the greatest ever intro sequences created on the Amiga, this game had you from the moment you first loaded it up. And what was more fun than trying to jump a skidoo over a river.

5 - James Pond 2, Robocod.

As a bionic fish with an extendable torso (WTF!!), you had to chase down Dr Maybe to rescue your penguin friends. The dev's must have been on something. You could extend that fish's torso so that it was longer than a list of @ned's steem blockchain entries.

4 - Lemmings

Possibly the most ingenious game of that era. One of the cleverest and hardest puzzle games that I have ever played. Of course, the best thing to do was to drop two blockers with all the other lemmings in the middle and then just blow the little buggers to oblivion. Unfortunately, that wasn't the aim of the game. More fun though.

3 - Rainbow Islands

In this colourful romp, you controlled a young child who fired rainbows from his genitals. You'd start with only one genital rainbow, but potions would increase the number of genital rainbows you would fire. Keep jumping up and up and up, avoiding the impending death by drowning, collecting diamonds and smashing your rainbows on bad guys' heads. What a wonderful time I had playing this.

2 - Frontier Elite 2.

When the autopilot wasn't crashing you into planets, this was the game that I possibly sunk the most amount of my teenage years into. Shuttling gold from one planet to another and shifting illegal gear around while avoiding getting your ass handed to you by some massive fighter jet was as thrilling as it was scary. Once you found those trade routes, you were quids in. Hearing "The Ride of the Valkyries" playing as you had a crazy dogfight was something that stays with me until this day.

1 - Sensible world of soccer

"I'm a goal-scoring superstar hero"; 47-0 was my best score ever in a 10-minute game. Loads of those were scored with swerve shot from the halfway line. This was the first game that apparently contained every league team in the world. The gameplay was impeccable and there was no way in the 90s to have more fun in your own home (apparently). I can't disagree with that.

Hope you have enjoyed this look back to the early 90's. It certainly brought some memories back for me

Thanks for reading



Maybe checkout my blogs I made a month ago, including playable games in a browser

monkey island :) Lemmings <3

My personal favourite description is Rainbow Island

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I love all games mentioned, but sensible soccer was amazing playing with my brother, endless hours

I had a competition pro for my C=64. Best joystick ever.

Your topic is very good, i like you, thx you for sharing @markangeltrueman
Plis vote me

what about this one... you must remember..

Did you play that game hybris 2?

Cheatcode : PEASOUP :)

This was an awesome machine!

Did you every hear of Mayhem in Monsterland? That was a really cool game. And there were a few others I loved, some text adventures I can't remember (yep, I had pencil and paper and everything).

Thanks for the throw back! 🤓

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