Bleed 2 Review - Flashing non-stop action

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


When a new game comes on the market and it is successful, a follow-up is often made. It is often very difficult to pass the predecessor, especially if you do not address the negatives of the previous part. Bleed played for the PlayStation 4 last August and scored reasonably well. A follow-up was therefore obvious. Fans of the first part, however, had some remarks on the game, so Bootdisk Revolution immediately had a number of points that could ensure that the follow-up would rise above its predecessor. However, the developer has not listened to all criticism, but does this also mean that Bleed 2 has failed?

Blood 2

Bleed 2 is an old-fashioned 2D platform shooter, in which the intention is very simple: shoot everything that moves. Your enemies have received the same assignment, so this creates a big chaos. To defend you, you can make a triple jump and you have a gun and a sword at your disposal. You can fire your iron barrel continuously and you control with the right analog stick. You use your sword by giving the same stick a small touch. You use this mainly to rebound the bullets of your enemies. However, these must be of the same purple color as the hair of the lead actress. The setup is simple and you will know what is asked of you within a few seconds.


Inverted world

Although Bleed 2 belongs to an old genre, it does give a little twist here. You are used to that these kinds of titles mainly consist of platform parts and usually you get an end boss to beat at the end. In Bleed 2, however, the boss battles are the main part and they are supplemented a little bit with jumping between different levels. To give you an idea of ??the relationship you need to think: the game has seven levels, but more than three times as many boss battles.

These moments with enemies, which are often many times larger than you, cause quite a bit of challenge and therefore do not just stand up at the end of a level. This way, if you are just starting a new level, you can come across a boss, to be presented with one immediately afterwards. The platform sections do not give you any extra peace, because here too you are constantly being attacked. Bleed 2 is simply a wonderfully persistent orgasm of action. However, if you want even more challenge, there are four difficulty levels to keep you busy. You also get a score at the end of each level, so the game also encourages you to improve it. You can also play the game in co-op, only that is not possible online, which is a real shame.


A varied menu

It is of course very fat that the game gives you a lot of action, but if there is no variation in it, it can quickly become monotonous. You do not have to be afraid of this. At no time will you get the idea that things are being repeated and that applies especially to the various bosses. Each of them does not only look different, but they are all well developed and each requires a different plan of action. Also the control will not stand in the way of sowing death and destruction, because the protagonist can be controlled more than smoothly.

Sixty minutes

Bleed 2 does a lot of good, but unfortunately the fun is short-lived. The narrative campaign can be played out within an hour. There are only seven levels and especially gamers who played the first Bleed will not be happy about this. He actually had the same number of levels. Then the press and many gamers already indicated that they would have liked the number of levels to be higher. The hope was big that Bleed 2 would be responded to, but that is not the case.

Bleed-2-2 (1).jpg

Now the game focuses mainly on gamers who find the fat to improve their scores, but this group will not get away from it that they would have liked more levels. You'll get some nice extras - like new characters and weapons - if you play out a new difficulty level, but then you still have to play the same thing. Even if at least three additional levels had been present, this would have given Bleed 2 more variation. Gamers who are literally ready after completing a game, should therefore avoid Bleed 2 anyway. Even then the small price tag is still too high.

More of the same

Now there are three other modes available, but only one of them will tempt the gamer to put more time into the game. That is the Endless mode. Here, levels are randomly generated and you always get a different lay-out for your choice. The game also takes a more traditional form here, because platform sections are the main part of this. Now the levels here are very simple, but at least it provides some variation. The other modes are Arcade and Challenge. In the former you only have one life and you play the narrative campaign and in Challenge you get three bosses behind each other for your choice. You can decide which ones you are. These modes are nice, but have little impact.



Bleed 2 does a lot of good: it serves up your whole non-stop action, the controls are super smooth and the enemies are very varied. You will be constantly on the edge of your chair and you want even more challenge, then there are different degrees of difficulty available to you. The game is also offered for a very reasonable price. So it is definitely a better game than Bleed. Only the developer has not listened to the demand for more levels to dish than the first part and it is still a pity that the co-op can only be played locally. This ensures that Bleed 2 runs a small dent. You also have to take into account that this is a game for 'high score junkies', but do you fall below? Then you go to a very nice and especially cool time.


➕ Flashing non-stop action
➕ Many fat bosses
➕ Good control
➕ Endless mode provides some extra variation


➖ Story mode is very short
➖ No online co-op

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