Call of Duty: WWII Playthrough [Part 4]

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Mission 4 – S.O.E.

This video was recorded and edited directly on my Playstation 4 with SHAREfactory™. If you’d like to see other games I’ve recently played or rated please visit Rebel Gaming Canada’s BIG GAMES LIST.


Intelligence suggests a German train is bound for Paris carrying V2 Rockets. The Intel strongly suggests the train will be stopping near the town of Argentan and it is here that Colonel Davis has ordered your squad to stop the train. You’ve been rewarded this task for the great job you did holding Marignay. And here you thought a reward would be some much needed R and R. But this time, things are a bit different. Colonel Davis has teamed you up with a pair of British Special Forces Intelligence officers from the S.O.E. As the train approaches Vivian Crowley identifies the V2 Rockets and warns they have a 200km range. They are already in striking distance of Paris. There is no time to delay.

You and Zussman are tasked by Lt. Turner to provide the Brits covering fire as they move in and secure the train. You move in stealthily in order to avoid alerting the Germans and giving the train crew time to escape with the V2 Rockets. You make your way through a tattered courtyard and make good use of the suppressors and knives you brought along. As you move into a small building just across the street from the station you hear the train whistle blow as gun fire erupts in the distance. Someone screwed up. The train crew has been alerted and they are starting to pull out. The opportunity for a stealthy approach is gone and now there is no time for anything but a race to the finish line.

The Rocket Train

The rest of your squad meets you in the street as you push in for the train station but the Germans mount a stunning defense. They are holed up tight inside and do not relent. Aiello is wounded but you pull him to safety before rushing into the station. With time quickly slipping by you burst into the main lobby and unleash a fury of blood, bullets and bodies. But it’s too little too late. The train is already moving out and the mounted turrets keep you pinned down as they escape. Sgt. Pierson spots a pair of German jeeps and orders everyone to get in but the armoured artillery turret bombards your position forcing you off road. The German’s aren’t making this easy.

Trees are uprooted and debris liters your path as you’re pushed further and further away. Pierson yells that he should be driving and orders you to man the mounted machine gun. As he begins to close the distance you make sure to shred every enemy soldier you see. Pierson manoeuvers to the front of the train when a German soldier manages to throw a Stielhandgranate or German stick grenade into the jeep. You dive over the front seat and pick it up from the passenger side floor before tossing it out. It explodes dangerously close to the jeep and Pierson loses control. The Jeep veers across the tracks and is broadsided by the train.

Twisted Metal

As the train pushes your jeep down the tracks you and your squad have no other option but to jump to safety. And just in time. The jeep slams into a switching pole forcing the train of the tracks. Boxcars and Nazis are tossed through the air like rag dolls. All around you metal and bodies are slamming into the ground. The wreckage spans for miles. It’s otherworldly. Buildings in ruins, train cars contorted into unnatural shapes and fire burning everywhere. A thick toxic cloud of smoke engulfs the area and fills your lungs. Zussman manages to find you but you come under enemy fire. A wounded German soldier closes in but is shot dead steps away. A French resistance fighter steps into view and tells you she can lead you back to your platoon.

As she leads you through the wreckage you’re ambushed by the surviving German soldiers. Low on ammo you have to scrounge the bodies for weapons in a last ditch effort to make it back to your squad. Ducking in and out of burning train cars you slog through the destruction. The firefight presses on until you see something diverting the German’s attention. They are being attacked from behind as you finally meet up with your men. S.O.E. Agent Arthur Crowley appears and thanks Madame Rousseau the French resistance fighter who rescued you. Sgt. Pierson not one for pleasantries warns that every German outpost in the countryside and demands everyone gets moving. Madame Rousseau protests and tells him not until the mission is complete and Crowley agrees with her.

Missed part 3 of our Call of Duty: WWII playthrough? Find it HERE!


It's a great game to tell me, but I can not say much about it because I did not try it but actually I will also play

So nic game.. I love this game..... U really good bro.


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