Zombie Adventure - Game 10 - Sign up here

in #gaming7 years ago

New game starting as soon as we have enough players. Please sign up in the replies section below.

If you are just seeing this for the first time and would like to play, it would probably help to look at the way the previous games went in order to get a feel for how things work.


This is sort of a board game and in its current rendition can take up to 12 players at a time. It will require daily participation. If you are interested in playing, please sign up as a reply to this post. The first 12 players to sign up get to participate. If there are less than 12 players signed up after 24 hours of this post going up, it will either begin with those players or be postponed if less than 3 sign up.


Each player will have 3 actions per turn. An action is a move of 1 space, a trade with another player in the same square, an offensive action (fighting), a search or breaking down a door.
After all players have completed their 3 actions the zombies will take their turn. Zombies will spawn at locations marked "spawn zone" and any zombies already on the board will move.

Runners (R) will move 2 squares per move.
Walkers (W) and Hulks (H) will move one square per move.
ALL zombies get just 1 action per turn and will move towards noise made by the players. All zombies will inflict 1 damage to players if they make a successful hit and can only fight if they are in the same square as a player.

  • If a player is in the same square as a zombie, they MUST engage in combat and cannot run away.
  • Runners and walkers can be killed with a successful hit using a weapon that does 1 damage (or 2 bare-handed hits).
  • The hulk can only be killed with a weapon that does 2 damage.

Players can take 3 hits before they die. Players do not re-spawn and are out of the game if they die.

Ranged weapons cannot be used against zombies in your square when there are other players in the same square (hand to hand combat only). If you are the only player in the square with a zombie you may use a ranged weapon. Shooting INTO a space where other players are will result in the players being hit before zombies are hit. With multiple targets in a space, the order of taking damage from a successful hit with a ranged weapon will be as follows: player, walker, runner, hulk.

Please pay attention to the moves that have transpired before you, so that your choices are based upon facts as they are and not as they were before (the people that played before you, just altered the situation).


  • Axe does 2 damage and can be used to open doors.
  • Bare hands can do only half a point of damage (so it takes 2 successful hits to kill a 1-point enemy).
  • baseball bats, pistols, rifles and crossbows do 1 damage. Pistols and crossbows have a range of 1 square. Rifles can reach 2 squares.
  • CZ 550 is an Elephant Rifle and can do 2 damage at a range of 1 square and 1 damage at a range of 2 squares.
  • A molitov cocktail kills everything in the square it is thrown into and cannot miss. It has a range of 1 square. Combining gasoline and a torch makes a molitov cocktail.
  • As dungeon master, I will roll dice to see if attacks are successful or not. A roll of 1 to 3 is a miss. A roll of 4 to 6 is a hit.
  • Long-range weapons cannot shoot through walls. Out in the street it is possible to shoot straight lines-of-sight a distance of 2 squares, however, inside buildings, you can only shoot what you would be able to see from the doorway (1 square beyond your room).


  • Searches might uncover a hiding zombie! A dice roll of 1-3 finds a zombie (then another roll determines what type of zombie; see spawning). A dice roll of 4-6 is a successful search and items found will be drawn randomly from a deck of cards.
  • Searches can only be done in rooms, vehicles or dumpsters and only 1 search per player per turn, except if a player has a torch, in which case that player gets to draw 2 search cards per action and turn.
  • Players can carry up to 5 items each.
  • Picking up an objective is NOT a search; it is a guaranteed action.

Each turn will spawn new zombies at the spawn zones based on dice rolls as described below.
When a door is opened, zombies will be spawned in each room of the building based on dice rolls.
6 spawns a Hulk, 5 spawns a runner, 4 or 3 spawns a walker and 2 or 1 spawns nothing.

Teleporters / Tunnels
Where such items exist, it will require an action to use/open them. In the case of a teleporter, only entering one will take an action and the player will be moved into the space of the other end. In the case of tunnels, the tunnels will have doors that need to be opened on BOTH ends in the same way any other door is opened.

A dice roll will be used to see if each zombie following players into a teleporter is smart enough to follow or gets confused and simply loses the trail of the player that disappears into a teleporter.

Player actions
Each player will announce their intended actions in the replies to each daily post.
Tell me your player number and what you intend to do. If you are unsuccessful, you may suggest an alternate action rather than attempting a 2nd time.

For example: Player 3; move left 1; shoot at zombie in next square left; if miss, move back.
Alternatively: Player 3; move left 1; shoot at zombie in next square left; if miss, shoot again.
In both cases, player 3 made 3 actions and their turn is over.

Trading between a pair of players may include any number of items in 1 transaction but still only counts as 1 action.
Players are free to collaborate and plan their strategies; this is a cooperative game.

I will update the board with new player positions and zombie positions for the next day's play.

The object of the game is to retrieve the objective(s) labelled with an X (it counts as an action to pick up an objective) and may also have other requirements that will be specified for each game depending on the number of players.

Games may require that surviving players manage to exit the board from any of the exits (where the road is not blocked by a building).



pls sign me in

Sweet. You are the first to sign in and become player 1 again.

Let's not forget about me

Thank-you. I was about to ask you. No word from miniature tiger yet.

I just posted another request for players with the rule changes for the next game.

Excellent! We can start a new game in around 16 hours from now.

I am in, It will be my first time joining though :D
Hope I will be of help :p

Thanks for joining us. I'm sure you will get the hang of it very fast.

Haha.. Let's see :D
I will try my best though :D

This is unbelievably cool.

Would you like to play? It requires about 3 to 5 minutes per day to see what the other players have done and to choose your next moves.

yeah count me in!

OK, I've already moved for today, but if you want, you can take over Player 5. I update around 10 AM my time each day. It is currently 4 PM here, so another 18 hours from now.
Since we are all around the world, I don't know if you will be awake or asleep at that time, but you have 24 hrs. before I update again. I would like to confirm your ability to move so that I don't end up missing a turn tomorrow.

Sure, so I would take over Player 5's actions starting after tomorrow's update?

That's correct. After I do the update, it will be for Nov. 13's game and you can take over my character. When the game is over, you are more than welcome to sign up for the following games.

Sweet. Thanks.

is there any place for sign me

The currently running game is almost finished and a NEW sign-up will be posted in the next few days. Please watch for it and you can sign up then. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next game.

ok, I followed you.

Super! Look for this same sign-up image to show up in my blog.

There is a new game starting now. I had a hard time remembering where you posted your interest in the next game.

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