Metal Gear Survive: Its dumb and repetitive

in #gaming5 years ago

This is another one of those games that i never would have paid money for but it was one of the monthly "free" games on the Playstation Network so I figured "what the hell I'll give it a go."


You'll have to forgive me for not knowing the backstory because the last Metal Gear game I played was on PS2 so I might have missed a lot.

This game starts out in a very frustrating manor because for about the first hour of the game, you are in control of very little of the action. It is just one cutscene after the other followed by you briefly running down a hallway and shooting 2 things only to have the controls hijacked for another 10 minutes of cutscenes. I mean seriously, it is absurd how long this process takes. You have the ability to SKIP all of this, but I kept thinking "there's no way it is going to take much longer!" Yes, yes there is a way. Later in the game there are really long and unnecessary cutscenes that add nothing to the (already weak) story and you CANT skip them at all.


After an hour of cutscenes that you almost certainly didn't watch all of you finally arrive at your homebase on the planet Dite, which is an alternate universe that was accessed during a wormhole that opened up on earth (huh?) You need to, as the title of the game would suggest, find a way to survive and this means grinding and struggling to find and keep food and water. This is where the game becomes even more frustrating because food resources are extremely scarce on Dint so most of the time I am searching for food more often then I am doing the storyline objectives.

A vast majority of the enemies are these slow-moving and linear enemies called "Wanderers" that will almost always walk in a straight line to get to you.


There is way too much material gathering going on in this game. It almost feels like it might have been intended to be an MMO but it wasn't working out so the devs were just like "F**K it, let's release it anyway!"

I'm several hours in and the fighting mechanics are just dumb, the AI on the Wanderers (they're zombies, may as well call them what they are) is moronic. You can trap a horde of them behind a fence and then poke them with a stick until they die, one by one. It doesn't really matter how many of them their are.

And of course if you bother to play for a bit longer hoping that this initial grind will eventually end and the "real" gameplay comes later, you will be disappointed because I'm 6 hours or so into what is meant to be a 20 hour game and nope, nothing has changed except now i have a bow and arrow and I shoot that through a fence over and over instead of my previous trusty stick.

There's a reason why almost no actual gameplay footage is in this trailer... because you would laugh if there was any. The game does have a multi-player aspect to it that you can enter anytime you want (from your homebase) but other than the fact that you are no longer on your own the game doesn't change at all other than the fact that it is simply an instance... after you win or lose you are no longer tied to those players in your "home instance".... if that makes sense.

The scarcity of materials in the world around you is also a devious trick on the part of Konami because you are able to buy the materials you are missing with real-world money... and micro-transactions that are built in to the intentionally bad availablity of materials in the actual game are upsetting to me. This would be infuriating if I had actually paid money for the game and not gotten it for "free."

This game pretty much blows and as soon as Final Fantasy 15 arrives in the mail (fingers crossed on tomorrow) I will likely never play it again.

On a scale of "Urgh!" to "Wowsers!" I give Metal Gear Survive the rating of.....



I hate micro transactions. They are about the worst thing that ever happened to games. This game sounds a little like Fallout 3 and the like. At least with those there was a good story and materials weren't totally scarce. Plus you couldn't just buy your want to the end if you wanted to.

yes. The good news is that companies now face backlash for micro-tranacting the bejesus out of the customers. I think that Interplay and whoever else was behind the micro-transaction change to Fallout faced a lot of flack from the community for doing this. Hopefully the businesses will learn but the consumers have to be smart / bold enough to boycott games that do this! I have never paid for a microtransaction except for Guild Wars 2 but this was an MMO that had no monthly sub fee and was pretty epic considering all the other MMO's at the time were charging like $20 a month. They still don't charge and this is great because I am currently on a 4 or 5 month hiatus from the game but can jump back in anytime i want for free!

Is this a monthly "free" game on the Playstation Network that you need to pay a yearly charge for? Mine's about to expire.. yes you get the games.. but do we ever play them?

Yes, it is the PS plus or whatever it is called. I am on my free 2-month trial for now. I think it is $50 a year, which i suppose isn't bad. However, the games they give for free tend to not be on the best seller list if you know what i mean.

You see the good graphics, it's a game worth having, I still think that the graphics of the play2 were very good is amazing as the world of video games advances and some games of play 2 as the god of the war ..... Every console has its classic my respectful brother

I donot liked the game play of this game. except for its lucrative graphics. the linear slow moving enemies and similar searching for food and resources be like for real boring.
Keep reviewing more games. waiting for a Dota review!

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