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RE: Metal Gear Survive: Its dumb and repetitive

in #gaming5 years ago

I hate micro transactions. They are about the worst thing that ever happened to games. This game sounds a little like Fallout 3 and the like. At least with those there was a good story and materials weren't totally scarce. Plus you couldn't just buy your want to the end if you wanted to.


yes. The good news is that companies now face backlash for micro-tranacting the bejesus out of the customers. I think that Interplay and whoever else was behind the micro-transaction change to Fallout faced a lot of flack from the community for doing this. Hopefully the businesses will learn but the consumers have to be smart / bold enough to boycott games that do this! I have never paid for a microtransaction except for Guild Wars 2 but this was an MMO that had no monthly sub fee and was pretty epic considering all the other MMO's at the time were charging like $20 a month. They still don't charge and this is great because I am currently on a 4 or 5 month hiatus from the game but can jump back in anytime i want for free!

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