Inside: Just buy this game - you wont regret it

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

If you buy this game (and you should) I hope it makes you think as much as I did. It is one of the best games i have played in a long time and while it wasn't very complicated (to play) it haunted me... in a good way.


Look, I don't even know how to properly describe this game without accidentally giving away part of it - which is something i really don't want to do and you should slap anyone who does. I just know that after I got it of STEAM (the other one, lol) I was immediately hooked and had difficulty sleeping because i wanted to keep playing.

The gameplay is simple, only 2 buttons are used on the controller which is perfect for me because if games utilize the full 93 or so buttons that are on today's controllers I will forget how to play if I stop for a few days (and since i am an adult and i have to do stuff, i take a few days off from time-to-time.)

This is the only game that i have taken part in for the past few years that upon completion I have been telling everyone I know (online and in person) to "get this game immediately."

The best part about it isn't just the art and the way the gameplay is flawless: The fact that not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the game yet you still understand the story.... is just amazing.

It was made by PlayDead Studios and they are quite famous already for making the game LIMBO, which is also amazing but in my opinion, a bit too difficult.

if you complete Inside in 2 days the way I did, check out LIMBO next

I can't really say too much more because talking about this game potentially spoils it for people that haven't played it yet. It is available on probably all platforms... but since i presume you aren't reading this on your hacked GameBoy, you might most likely be interested in the PC version.

It is a simplistic side-scrolling platformer and I have honestly never played a game in my entire life whose story affected me so much.

For those of you familiar with my postings you will realize i normally post a video of some sort but I simply can't do so with this game because the spoilers are just everywhere in the vids and for the most part, in the online reviews of the game and even descriptions. Just know, if you have $20 to spare, this game is just so polished, it might be the most perfect side-scroller ever made.

It tells a story without having really any music, and no words. To a certain degree it is up to the player (you) to determine what the story actually is. Once you have completed the game you will notice that the internet is inundated with videos, theories, judgements, and an almost completely positive sense of feedback towards the game.

I honestly believe no one can play this game and not like it. I hope you are the next person and perhaps we can talk about it

Please label SPOILERS in your responses


YES! I loooved Limbo! I played it on the road on my way to Paris and couldn't put it down. So for sure I'll be checking out this one. Thanks so much for this post. 😻

you really should. It's the same people and it is just so amazing.

I have played Limbo. I find it brain-racking. It took me a while to get passed Level one the first time I played it. All I had to to was to push the box backwards from the river,then.......... . I could bore you with familiar moves you have already made. This game with a pitch dark graphically designed character actually makes me think - although I underrated it initially.

Limbo, in my opinion was a bit too hard. However some people say that INSIDE is too easy. Both games are eerie and thought-provoking though.

I haven't played the game before, it seems I'm living in the dark world.... Hahahahha

I spot this not to be correct while reading :

I know appreciates games that i've told them to "get this game immediately."

And here is the correct form:

I now appreciates games that i've told them to "get this game immediately."

I can't support or against your description of the game since I haven't tried it.... Smile

actually, while you did correctly identify a mistake i made. The correction was not correct. However, thank you anyway.

It was an oversight on my part and has been corrected. Thank you for your extra pair of eyes :)

Thank you for your kind word too, can you please help me with the correction of my correction.... Smile
Learning is wide!

Well, I haven't tried that game yet but I guess it's not that bad to try. I'll take your word for it haha!

just do it man! Seriously, it is amazing.

looks nice

I find it difficult to find games that can get steem, is there a game that produces steam / sbd ..?

i'm pretty sure the game you are referring to is called "life" .... however, INSIDE, the game that the article was about, is amazing. :)

Hello. I played inside and limbo. I recommend
good post.

Iam very proud of you,the game is amazingly sophisticated,@gooddream

Look really Amazing game , where can i buy it ?

Wow this looks lije a perfect game and sirely we aren t gonna regret this one. Thid game is surely made to perfection.i ll slcertainly buy this one. You guys also try buying it. This game is just a blast😘😘

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