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RE: MEGACITY: The Cyberpunk Social Arcade

in #gaming5 years ago (edited)

cute :)

you have a demo or a video or something ?

ah never mind ... watching it heh

Gud gud gud, the more the merrier, i just wonder, where you people get the money for flying around the world and doing snazzy presentations en location on stage like that ? you all came in this game with money, right ?

so there's nothing arcade about it, its a trading sim ?

BUT GOOD , lol , i was just, because its not the first one and that huge mmo of which i forgot the name also had a website and a very good looking frontpage but the last i heard of them they were asking $250 k on kickstarter just to "go to alpha" ( = lmao , right?) and in over 10 years of living on crypton since i was burning gpu's mining btc i grew a bit weary of "the next big thing" , especially if it comes with bru-ha but you guys look simple enough (which is a compliment from a weirdo like me) ... i'm looking forward to it. I'm just wondering

barring the money you clearly have to fly around the planet, where's the revenue come from over time ? servers cost money, development cost time, people gotta eat ...
i'm always curious as to new ways of getting money, you see ... :) any trade secrets to share ? what makes it sustainable ?

(not asking how it benefits steem , but how you can keep doing it if its all free ?)


Maybe they are skilled in game development, just out of school --practised by scamming or hacking some poor bloke of his cryptocurrency.


A more plausible situation could be that these were the folks who were able to snag 5 BTCa day from a faucet back in the beginning days of crypto.. Now they've cashed out and are obsessed with crypto, and are skilled in game development.

Joking again.. but who knows, something close I imagine :p

maybe ... i dont how, how many days was this ? it certainly grows trust from the start that it's you answering and not them :)

we shall see .... most things in the featured section make it only once ...

Hey there @goldmanmorgan, thanks for the interest in the game.

I’m having a hard time understanding some of your questions though, or if they were questions at all? But I’ll do my best -

We aren’t “flying around the planet” to attend these conferences. The above video was shot at the ETHDenver conference and we are Colorado based.

As far as the game there are arcade elements as well, yes. We will be releasing more information about those aspects as we go along.

We don’t really have trade secrets to help you make money. We work hard to build a game we are proud of and we have received recognition and support for such.

The game will be free to play, but there will be option to purchase upgrades within the game itself if someone chooses to do so.

We don’t have a kickstarter and aren’t asking for money here, so I’m not sure the rest of your comment was directed at us.

Hopefully that helps, thqnks!

y a douze jours already, apologies for that, but THANKS for answering ... my doubts are general whenever the next new thing comes up and steemit (often confused for STEEM) is slightly desperate at the moment as i'm not sure how they're feeding their employers at these rates AND keep the top-nodeholders in the money. One might think the logical thing to do is to NOT pay people to run nodes at all but that might lead to that 51% thing i read so much about (not sure in what way that applies to steemchain atm) which has to be prevented ofcourse until steem gets 9000 nodes like BTC and its truly de-centralized. So, no, if you misunderstood i wasn't hacking at you in disbelief. I truly believe stuff like steemmonsters, drugwars and yourself (and maybe by 2050 my own @tyrnannoght) are potential moneymaking incentives , probably the best ones to bring money in to the system, which leaves the hyperinflation, which i dont see fixed unless the system turns to capped or pegged, where pegged needs an equal amount of fiat ofcourse, which ALSO has to come from somewhere. I'm 100% down with projects like your, i think its the way forward i.o. being stuck on only "writer" content here , a bit of a flaw that seems to have stuck around from the way it started and some people seem really unable to adapt in order to survive. I was just curious about the sustainability, i mean two years or so ago you could see posts that got like $4000, that's as good as a server for a year, but all that's gone so it has to come from somewhere :)
You wouldnt be the first one to mistake me for an attacker, i have a special ability thats called "friends in high places" (<-sarc) and im great at it, something in the way i speak , no. I'm looking forward to it, i hope it gets you (the team , i suppose as it is in most cases xept for loner cats like myself) AND steem a steady , sustainable and constant push-up, and brings real incentive for people to own, and have a steemit account/wallet. That kickstarter thing was some mmo i havent heard or followed up since, its just the ridiculous amount to "go to beta" (or alpha? i think beta because i havent seen anything but screenshots ever) has always stuck around as too surreal to even consider asking. I think the future of steem depends on entrepreneurs, not authors and if that works well then the authors will be better off b/c there will be more to distribute.

and by now i probably confused half the planet even more so maybe just

ganbarrei! i'm sure i'll hear the updates i'll put on my special follow/voting list so i dont miss too much

once again, thanks for replying !!!!!! (and good luck ... the marketplace isnt always a compassionate place)

diversity is the key to success b/c in-breeding turns the pond stale and steem is a little pond atm ... the more the merrier, i hope the titans see it that way too as dire and low times like these are the worst possible times for internal competition and moves towards total domination (in my not always so humble or comprehensible opinion :D)
let's see you succeed then and bring glory to the room , ehj ;)

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