Video Game Characters With Tragic Background Story

in #gaming7 years ago


Most of video games characters are inspirational and strong individuals, or cool yet terrible villain. But behind all things that we see about them on the outside, most of them don't have a wonderful past. The following list is some characters with tragic backstory.

Nautilus (League of Legends)


Nautilus used to be a sailor, until a terrible incident changed his life and who he is. One time, he was sent to explore uncharted reaches of a sea where none of his man aboard are brave enough to investigate. Nautilus was the only one who had the guts to do it. A moment later something mysterious pulled him to the bottom of the ocean. Instead of helping him, his crew fled with the ship and leave him behind. When he woke up, his diver suit fused to his body, it IS his body now. Then he wander around until he stumbled by the shores of Bilgewater, but nothing there for him, people are scared of him. No friends, no family, no home, nothing.

Uncle Leo (Fallout 3)


This one is kinda inspirational. Despite his unfortunate fate, exiled from his super mutant brethren, Uncle Leo embrace the spirit of giving and grace. He recalls his adventures to anyone who are willing to listen, and gladly gives gifts to those in need. That's the reason why he was exiled, because he is 'not a brute'. Other super mutants could not tolerate his message of peace so they cast him out. Uncle Leo has roamed the Capital Wasteland ever since.

Swan (Fallout 4)


Swan's tragic story can be found in several scattered notes around Swan's Pond. His real name was Edgar Swann. Got caught and imprisoned for stealing cigarettes, he agreed to 'probation' and house arrest, where he was unknowingly exposed to an experimental version of the Forced Evolutionary Virus by Institute scientists. Within a week he began to mutate and possesed increased strength and intelligence. However, on the third week he began to have seizures and his intelligence decreased. 

Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI)


Terra had it tough too. She was born in the Esper World, until two years later Emperor Gestahl of the Gestahlian Empire led an army to raid the land and took her away from her parents, Maduin and Madeline. Gestahl raised Terra as a living weapon for the sole purpose of serving his madness. Soon General Kefka Pallazo place a slave crown on her which not only control her free will, but also destroyed the memories of the better part of her life. 

Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft)


Sarah Louise Kerrigan's telekinetic power were demonstrated during the incident on TarKossia when she was young, causing terrible accident that killed her mother and damaged her father's brain. She was taken immediately by the Terran government and conscripted as a child into the Ghost Program that eventually turned her into an assassin. She spent her childhood being tortured by Lieutenant Rumm mentally and physically. As an adult she had a relationship with Jim Raynor and joined in a rebellion led by Arcturus Mengsk, only to be betrayed by him because wanted long-due vengeance for the deaths of his family. Later, the Zerg Overmind adopt her and turn her to the Queen of Blades, a fearsome half-Zerg and half-human entity of great power. 

Jack (Mass Effect)


Jack was abducted by Cerberus operatives in 2165 when she was a just a little kid for her biotic potential. Her mother was told that Jack died due to complications of her eezo exposure. Jack live her entire childhood as experimentation subject, Subject Zero. Mental and physical torture is like her bread and butter. Even worse, when she finally escaped the facility she was captured by another ship. The ship's crew 'used' her before selling her as a slave. After that, she live a violent life and become a criminal. Sometime later she was captured and imprisoned in the Blue Suns prison ship. During her time there, she was attacked by a group of guards and prisoners who raped her. 

Pamela Redpath (World of Warcraft)


Pamela and her family lived in Darrowshire and was killed during the Battle of Darrowshire. Her ghosts still linger in the ruins, asking adventurers that meet her to find her doll and eventually avenge her family's death. She says sometimes she hear her father, crying in the distance and wish to tell him that she is okay. I don't know if she understand that she is already dead or not.

Little Sister (BioShock)


Little Sisters are young girls between 5 to 8 years old who have been genetically altered and mentally conditioned to harvest ADAM from corpses around Rapture. In an almost completely ruined city which is not appealing for such young girls, Dr. Yi Suchong has mentally condition them. He made the children to see the world of Rapture in completely different way from reality. Instead of seeing the dark, deteriorated state of the city, they see an idealized child's world, with rosy marble floors, pink or red drapings, and flowering vines growing everywhere. They see their Big Daddies as noble knights, and Big Sisters as princesses with elegant apparel, and the dead bodies of Splicers as "Angels" lying in elegant pose. All the lies that they see is only for the purpose of harvesting ADAM. Sure they look happy when we see them in game, but it's more like they are.. How to put this correctly, tripping(?)

Iris Von Everec (The Witcher 3)


Iris was from a noble family of the von Everec. She was married with Olgierd von Everec. Over time their marriage declined as Olgierd started to no longer have feelings for Iris. One time Iris wished to divorce him so her father began to read over the reasons to Olgierd. However, Olgierd lost his temper during the reading and killed Iris' father, making her lose all feelings for him. Only remembering that he was supposed to love her, he gave Iris the black cat and dog for companionship and a mysterious being known as the Caretaker, although she didn't want any of it. Then he decide that he didn't want to cause her anymore pain, Olgierd left, leaving a letter and a violet rose to remember him. Iris, alone in the estate, laid in bed for days. Staring at the rose until it finally crumbled to dust. And she died soon afterwards. 

Well, not all of them are the hero or the villain. The list above is only some of many other characters with tragic background story.


How about the Ashen one, from Dark souls 3. Fought and fought only to fail and perish to be brought back as an immortal punching bag, meant to fight until he\she has the power to sacrifice themselves, to eternal agony to save the world. All the time knowing what waits for them when they link the first flame.

Fantastic commenting. Keep this up and you'll do fantastic on steemit!

What's with Super Mario he'll be at a never ending story trying to save his Peach. 🤣👌
Nice collection I really like the picture of the lil sister btw. the main character at Bioshock always had his tragic in his story.😈

After all Jack has been through, he was just being used by that smuggler. But he became some kind of legend in BioShock 2 tho

Great post!! But in my opinion the video game character with the most tragic backstory is Joel from "The Last of Us". On his birthday, the zombie apocalypse started and his daughter was shot and died i his arms:

Well that's tragic indeed. Sorry that I forgot to put Joel in this list. I really appreciate anyone who wanted to share their opinions

Im sorry if I came across as rude!! That certainly wasn't my intention

No, no, that's not rude. I'm happy that you shared your opinion with me. That's one of my ways to discover things. So thank you

Great! You've got a follow from me!

The thing about Nautilus is that he's too damn annoying to play against to feel sorry for. :P

The swan on Fallout 4 really is sad, I remember a huge monster coming out of the lake ahah good fun. I would have added the Master Chief from Halo, he definitely deserves a mention. Good article though 😄

Oh man how could I forgot Master Chief. I don't know much about him but yes, he have sad story too

I am a big WoW player... but these stories are sad.. LOL... great post!

WoW really? (see what did there? lol)

Great post! Follow You.

Thanks, wait for my next posts. I hope you'll like them

You forget for Lara Croft! :) (Tomb Raider)
Her parents died when she was a child!

Nice one, I know her and the game but I didn't know about her past, well i do now. Parents died when one is still a little child is always a terribly sad story
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Great post! I would like to humbly submit Clementine and Lee from the first Tell Tale Walking Dead story. I haven't actually played it but I watched a playthrough on YouTube because I'd heard the story was great. I don't want to ruin it for anyone so I won't say what happens, I will say watching it is totally worth it.

Ah yes, I watched it too, but not all of the walkthrough tho. We know this scenemaxresdefault (1).jpg
This scene hit me like a truck.. In the heart

Indeedy. Heart breaking.

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