The best April Fool’s 2018 pranks from developers

in #gaming6 years ago

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April Fool's Day came and went yesterday and many of our favourite developers had some fun with it this year. While the internet is very skeptical on this day, these April Fool's pranks were still able to generated some laughs. From joke announcements to timed events here are some of the funniest April Fool's pranks for 2018.

League of Legends Event

To start off with, Riot Games is running an April Fool's event for League of Legends until April 3rd. The best thing about this 'prank' is that Riot has actually just added a bunch of content to the game. Firstly, Riot have added some new missions that essentially just give players free Blue Essence. These involve difficult tasks like "Play a PVP matchmade game with a summoner icon equipped" and "Play a matchmade game for 621,000 milliseconds". Riot also added four new summoner icons and four new emotes. The coolest April Fool's additions are the two new skins: Birdo and Pizza Delivery Sivir

Birdio Galio and Pizza Delivery Sivir also include their own chroma packs. Source: League of Legends

Riot is also running the One for All gamemode, where teams choose what champion their entire team will play as. Along with this gamemode includes some fun new changes to Summoner's Rift. For the full event details visit the Official League of Legends website.

Source: League of Legends

Battle Royal Mode

With the insane popularity of Fortnite and PUBG, Battle Royal gamemodes are more important than ever. Announcing a Battle Royal mode would seem like an obvious idea for a great April Fool's Day joke. Well, clearly it was very obvious because multiple developers made this announcement. 343i announced a new free to play Halo Warzone Simulation titled Range, Ordnance Yield, Assault and Local Engagement. This includes a leaked photo detailing the new "Spartan Pass".

Source: Reddit

Black Mesa announced via a steam community post their new Last Freeman Standing mode, while even Total War got in on the fun.

Source: Steam Community

The best of these has to be Grinding Gears Games' Path of Exile: Royal. Not only did they announce the new mode with a full-blown trailer, but they actually made it. With a new 1GB patch, players can now battle it out with each other in 100 player PvP. They even went as far as the change the game's name on steam.

Loot Boxes

Another growing reality for gamers is the increasing presence of Loot Boxes. Developers were smart to cash in on loot boxes, but even smarter to use them for April Fool's. In the same post they announced their Battle Royal Mode, Black Mesa also announced new skins and cosmetic items. As part of their new Loot Me$a system, players can get a camouflage 9MM pistol, pink HEV suit and a golden crowbar.

Source: Steam Community

Warhorse Studios managed to combine the current generation's biggest DLC controversy, in micro-transactions, with one of last generation's biggest, in Oblivion's horse armour, in their latest patch.

April Fools.png

The Yappening

343i, not content with Halo Battle Royal, have also introduced the new event for Halo Wars 2, the Yappening. 343i have rebalanced the entire multiplayer and final campaign level around Yapyap the Destroyer, the Galaxy's Greatest Grunt. This includes global changes, like lower Leader Power cooldowns, increased base health and faster supply production. However, 343i have made some changes that seem to solely benefit Yapyap, making him the strongest leader in the game. For a full list of the changes, visit Halo Waypoint.


Smite - Fenrir Reveal Trailer

While a reveal trailer for an already released God doesn't seem that funny, long term Smite players will understand the fan service. Early in Smite's development, data miners leaked information about Fenrir's upcoming release. However, after delays and delays, the new God wouldn't come out until May 2013. This didn't stop the hype train from engulfing the community, with Fenrir being the "next god" becoming a running gag. The reveal trailer is full of inside jokes for long term fans, as well as some fun custom animations and skills.

What are some of your favourite April Fool's pranks? Did anything fool you this year? Let us know in the comments below.

Nick McDonald @gamersclassified


Gamers Classified


If only every game had some sort of April Fools easter egg! It could serve both as a nod towards Easter and a western tradition XD LOL

Hahah indeed. Definitely adds a personality to all the gaming companies

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