Game Över

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


Today was the 11th yearly Game Över event hosted at our local library, and the third time our go-club Saarto was present to show and teach basics of the game to the library visitors.

Game Över is an event where gaming enthusiasts (anything from computers and consoles to social, card or board games) can gather and show off their hobby to others.

Leo teaching and playing a show game with a visitor

This time it was only me and Leo there, as our other club members were unavailable. Even Markku had other plans as he is attending the Finnish Go Union's 30th birthday in Helsinki.


Plenty of interested people requested a teaching session from us and we obliged. Both Leo and me. It was pretty interesting and fun and I think even Leo liked teaching the basics.

Gladly Jussi arrived just in time for the last four quarters so we didn't have an empty board while Leo checked out some of the other games that were on the show. (When the event was over I found him playing Dynablaster on a tuned-up Amiga 1200 at an Amiga users' table.)

I must add that Leo was quite flattered as the librarians noted he was by far the youngest game representative in the event, and that he pulled the job off with flying colours.

Afterwards we went to a Thai restaurant and had Satay Chicken, and because Leo didn't want to go straight home I drove us to Vierumäki so I could shoot a nature shot for my OPED. (I still have to process those so you'll have to wait for a while.)

See you guys soon!

[Previous post: Just weird]

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Actually I don't know this game, but I think your son Leo is going be a genius of this game! Probably you will be the teacher of his!


Oh! I missed this post in the morning!!

Such a wonderful story of a very interesting day with Leo being the youngest presenter of the game to other people!! Well done!!
I wish I were there to have my first instruction on how to play this game!
Glad to hear that it all went with great success!
Nice to have some Thai food!! Are there many Thai restaurants there?!
I live in Bangkok but I eat very funny food! Too much mixture and fusion!

It’s good to stick with the basic!

Well-done @gamer00, I hope the game event was fun? Though from the pictures and update , I can say that it was fun. Have a nice weekend.

Seems Leo want to learn more about gaming. He's skillful & talented boy. You're very lucky @gamer00. That's why Leo didn't want to go straight home. He prefer to gaming. Goahead with game over XI

Games and good don't even have to say it because I know you enjoyed it :-)
Good to know that a gaming tradition has been alive and happening for last eleven years. Your son and the event are practically the same age :-)

Seems like you both did spend some nice time out there

While I liked the T shirt design ;)

Fun day. I especially like the sound of some satay chicken after an agenda filled day. We'll be expecting you soon

It’s lovely to gather especially for the main purpose of showing skills in particular things. I love this one about game , I could imagine how it went with your description in your post. I bet it was great getting to teach people your skills you and Leo. The main thing was you added value to the lives of those you thought and that’s what the Steemit community is all about. Touching lives

Game Över is an event where gaming enthusiasts (anything from computers and consoles to social, card or board games)

Sound being amazing. I've never experienced of game over. But passion to see Leo's talent. It seems fun indeed gaming. I know Leo gonna try to learn anything there.
I prefer to see you gym activities. Can't wait long.

I prefer to see you gym activities.

I guess you will. I started feeling the last one in my legs while at the library. When Leo and I got to the Vierumäki nature trail, I was already walking so stiff I had to call Leo to slow down every once in a while. When we got home, I had to push myself out of the car with my hands, as my legs didn't want to cooperate anymore. ;D

Monday is the next gym day.

That game catches my attention, here in South America I've never seen it, I would be happy if you spend a day teaching us a little. Maybe we'll play an online game at some point, create an international tournament, can you imagine it?

Sounds interesting, but definitely needs some planning. In the mean time, The Online Go Server (OGS) there is a Steem group for steemians to meet and play against eachother.

I think you can achieve it after concluding the OPED project, a daily post to teach them the parts of the game.

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