Nintendo World Championships - Nes Classic - Special Event

in #gaming7 years ago


About 8 years ago I was totally unaware of the existence of this game, it was thanks to friends who taught me the fabulous videos of that experience in the 90s when the famous Nintendo World Championships took place. Suddenly we got a fever from several colleagues to play between us and see who got more points, we seemed very competitive.


The game consisted of Super Mario Bros, Rad Racer and Tetris, I really love that combination, you should look for the maximum number of possible points in each of them considering that we had a certain time.


There exists the official cartridge of this video game in two versions, the gray that was used in the consoles for the development of the tournaments and the golden one that was given to the winners of the same, it is considered a rare and strange game since with time has become very scarce, if you have this piece inside your things I congratulate you, because you have something that any collector can take his whole life looking for.


It was two years ago that we met in the Retro Gamer of a friend and we decided to make an event that revived that experience of yesteryear that we could never see (in our country never came that tournament) but with a special touch, we decided to place each one a game from our collection to form a large basket of video games as a trophy, as it would in December was called "The big Cesta Navigameña".



In addition we leave it open to the public and we leave 2 months of inscriptions, in that time we train in an insane way, until finally it was the day for the famous tournament, very anxious and nervous.

Group photo of participants


Various photos of the participants







The competition was strong, to my surprise I was the one with the highest score (they hated me that day XD) the experience we all had was incredible, even though it was a mini event for the Gamer community, for us it was a total achievement to bring together a group of people to enjoy our favorite hobby.



All this shows how united Retro Gamer community is, I really feel very pleased to meet all those who love video games, you can get countless hours talk about a small game, share with a diversity of consoles and many more things, really is a world in which I think to be all the years that I have left of my mortal life.

See you!!!


Great post. The carts for them cost an arm and a leg. Have you seen Angry Video Game Nerd nintendo championships episode?

Thanks for reading the post, that episode is very good, I caused a lot of laughter, I see Angry video game Nerd for many years !!

So you mastered street fighter 2 and the 3 World Championship Cart games. Do you game professionally / competitively still? I actually bought a repro of this cart for like $90 from retrousb because I was so curious about what the competition was like for the players (it's purple so as to avoid confusion). Seeing this post makes me want to go to an event like this. Steemit has SteemFest now. I'd love to see the Steemit Retrogaming Community organize a retrogaming event.

Currently by the situation of the country we have not been able to do more events, but we always meet at a friend's house to play (the last time was street fighter alpha 3), it would be very interesting to do the event you mention, I do not consider myself a professional in the world of video games, I'm just a player who likes to live the experience to the fullest. It's good to meet people who love this type of event

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