Can gamers be in the top of the stock market?

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Can gamers be in the top of the stock market?

Image is from

I browsed the streaming platform the other day, and i found this interesting live stream.
It's a new-opened channel named Stockstream. The viewers vote for what stocks are to be bought and sold.

How to play:
The game is divided into voting rounds, each lasting 5 minutes. Every 5 minutes the top buy or sell command will be executed and one share will be bought or sold. You may only vote once per round.

As far as I know, the owners of this channel have invested 50.000$ into this project, and it's up to the viewers to make more money. It's a pretty interesting project, and they are going live tonight. I would advise to check it out, it's actually pretty fun experience.

StockStream goes live every day while the market is open. (More information can be found in the live stream description.)

And of course, here is the link to the stream:

Oldschool Twitch meme of the day:


Interesting, I've never noticed this before and I go on Twitch fairly often. Might go and check it out some day.

A bit unrelated but, still somewhat related; As a gamer, I'd love there to be more Gamers on Steemit. But, as it seems there isn't really that many gamers, especially compared to all the other categories. I just find It would just be so much more fun to have a good and active gaming community on Steemit.

Just a thought.

~Thanks for sharing!
Oh, and I followed you btw!

Thanks a lot for your comment! :)
Yeah, I see what you are talking about there, I would also love to see a lot more gamers on Steemit. Steemit is growing slowly, and hopefully, in a few months, we would have a bigger gaming community here.

Again, thanks a lot for your comment.
I'll make sure to follow you back!

Thanks @freddyfish

You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "resteem" TAG (hashtag)

that's an really interesting concept. But I fear that if the "general gaming public" will ever really get a hold of it it will turn into a giant ... well... shitfest

Thanks a lot for your comment!
Yeah, let's see how far it will go. It's pretty fun to watch actually, and it's something different. :)

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