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RE: Parent of a Gamer--What's Really Going On In There?

in #gaming7 years ago

The rewards of trusting each other and trusting ourselves.
Trusting that they are capable of ruling their lives, even though everything we've ever been shown and told is to the contrary. Much trust indeed.

Yes, that was his car. He loved it and it came out great. I'm working toward getting him to write on Steemit about his passions---one of which is cars!!


SourCE has .. everyone's back .. individually - )))

SO many .. objects .. subjects ??? - )))
SourCE must BE .. VerY CuriouS !! - ))

ha ha)))

greb'Z )

Parental Guidance .. i can't imagine .. the struggle ?? confusion ??
.. not from a place, of 'not' knowing who i am.
and .. that didn't come .. until recently-ish for me - )))
.. makes me wonder ?? - ))

SO .. many friends with kids .. it doesn't sound easy ? - (
SO .. many paths - ))

Children are actually quite easy, that is unless we squash the divinity out of them. The greatest challenge is to look at ourselves, why we are so fearful, why we think we are "right", and how we can have faith in the process. Most people treat their children as incapable, needing to be learned, when actually the opposite is true--they are incredibly capable and we are the ones with much to learn from them. Can be tough to let go, but so easy the ride when we do!! Thanks for your comment @fun-along-theway.

" ... they are incredibly capable and we are the ones with much to learn from them." .. AgreeD !! - )) WE've (as ? adults ? .. not me .. ha ha .. man-child - )) .. have "L-earn-eD" .. allot of limitations .. and WHO BeTTeR to un-L-earn them .. then FROM .. the one's WE LOVE unCONDITIONaly (( at least at the core .. i trust )) .. i feel, YOUr post YESterDAY .. was a gorgeous RELATABLE piece of BeautY .. that any parent "these days" .. could benefit from - )))
... i did - ))
ThankS YOU .. !! - ))
.. have a LOVE-ly DaY - )) )) ))

Blessed to be sharing something of value. Learning from our children is one of the greatest gifts they give to us, if only we can pause long enough to listen. Thank you so much for the confirmation and for your comments @fun-along-theway. It's great to share with you!

.. wick question .. have you read .. the Anistsia series ?? - ))
i only read the first 3 .. kids (MAGIC) in russia ?? - ))
i found the writing awkward .. but the magical premise ..
BANG ON !!! - ))

.. just wondering - ))

.. i like sharing with YOU .. TOO )))

CO_N_for'M_aT_i_ON .. i agree )))))

.. its a .. (twO( )Way) .. StreeT - ))

Yes I have read Anastasia--but only the first 5 books or so. Transformative series of incredible value. Thanks for the reminder of that book. Incredible wisdom.

BeliefS .. are .. MagiC .. real .. WONDER .. each of US - ))))))))))