The Adventure continues - The Waterglade Part 1

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

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This post continues the story of Ivi the Wood Elf (see

Pippy Smallcastle is a halfling from a far away land. She arrived in Seagate some months ago seeking news of her grandfather, the great adventurer Seamus Smallcastle.

Saemus disappeared on a quest which set forth from Seagate over 50 years ago. After talking to everyone in the town and checking the records kept in the Adventurer's Guild, Pippy discovered that a group of adventurer's had set forth in the Spring of that year on a quest to find the mythical Keep of the Source - supposedly the long-lost birthplace of the Naming Incantations magical college. As far as Pippy is aware, none of the adventurers ever returned. No Guild records noting the party's return exist, and there are no further records of any of the other adventurer's either (a Dwarf named Sangfarth the Blue, and a human who went by the name Tor).

Pippy is hoping this isn't another dead end, as she has spent most of her gold following one false trail after another, and paying mercenaries to accompany her.

Now, with no money left, she has discovered a clue. In his last letter to the family, Seamus had mentioned a place called the Waterglade. Until now, no-one had heard of this place. But recently Pippy had sat in the dining hall of the Green Gryphon Inn and listened as an old man told a tale of adventure and loss as his fellows had died, one by one, in the Waterglade - a deceptively beautiful area in the fork of the Sweetwater River southeast of Seagate. When challenged on this point by a listener, all he had said the land was haunted.

The next day he was gone, having taking ship to ports unknown.

Before she returns to her family, Pippy is putting a party of adventurers together in the hope of finally learning what happened to her grandfather. She offers no payment, but the promise of equal shares in any treasure gained on the adventure. The only thing she asks for herself (if it is found) is her grandfather's walking stick - a family heirloom of no particular value.

Do you want to join in the adventure?


Apart from Ivi the Wood Elf, a Dwarf called Balor Ironcraft is the only adventurer willing to participate in the quest.

Ivi, Wood Elf:

*Ranger (woods)
*Beast Master
*Earth Magician
*Longbow, Sabre

Pippy Smallcastle, Halfling:

*Shortsword, Sling

Balor Ironcraft, Dwarf of Hill and Stone

*Military Scientist
*Mace, Large Round Shield, Chainmail

Using the last of Pippy's gold, the party sets out from Seagate on a merchant ship travelling to the Brastor Holdings.

The Landing Place

Because of it's reputation, the captain of the ship will not take the adventurers directly to the fork in the river where The Sweetwater meets The Gilder Rithe, but will instead make landfall some miles upstream where The Sweetwater sweeps northward.

The fork is about 3 1/2 leagues westward of the landing place and the party will have to make its way to the Waterglade on foot.

The Waterglade

Following the Sweetwater, the party crest a hill and before them is a picturesque circular valley. Butterflies can be seen flitting amongst and above the trees, and the sweet sound of birdsong fills the air. The ruins of a tower stand in the in the middle of the valley, surrounded by the remains of a wall which would have offered a measure of protection to the tower and the other buildings now making up the ruins of Waterglade.

The valley is a bout 1/3 of a league in diameter.

If the party investigates the ruins they will find no buildings standing, and very little of interest. The valley does not seem to deserve it's reputation.

However in an unroofed cellar accessible by a stone staircase, a secret door leads into the Waterglade Dungeon, originally situated within the walls of the tower complex, but not directly under the tower itself.

The dungeon of Waterglade

Whatever was above, the dungeon is the only structure that remains of the former citadel. Counting on it's reputation of being haunted to be left alone, a clan of Goblins has made use of The Waterglade to create a hidden base near human settlements. They regularly conduct forays into the surrounding areas to abduct humanoids to transport and use as slaves in their mines far to the south.

When the adventurers discover the citadel there are 12 Goblins and 2 dire wolves in the dungeon.

If a fight starts, there is a 60% chance that any Goblins or dire wolves in adjacent rooms will be alerted. However, only fights within the cell blocks themselves will alert the Goblins in the cells to the adventurer's presence. All Goblins are armed with a shortsword (01-49%), a shortsword and a sling (50-79%) or a shortsword and a crossbow (80-100%). All wear leather armour.


Upon entry stone stairs lead downwards.

Room 1

This room is 30 feet by 30 feet. A stone table sits in the middle of the room, and rotten tapestries hang from the walls. There are two doors. Although unoccupied, the room has the feeling of being used regularly. Piles of unwanted and broken weapons as well as helmets and shields sit upon the table and line the southern and western walls.

Being closest to the outside world, this room is used by the Goblins as a staging post.

A secret door, hidden by magic, is in the southern wall. The door has not been discovered by the Goblins.

Room 2

This room is 20 feet x 20 feet. It contains nothing except for a waxed leather tube. Upon inspection, the tube contains a single scroll with a map drawn upon it and words in a language no one in the party can understand.

Room 3

The room is 30 feet x 30 feet. There is a door in the south-east corner and a corridor leads from the north-east of the room. 3 Goblins sit at a table eating. There are piles of various rotting foodstuffs including the carcasses of deers and horses.

There is a 50% chance there is a dire wolf in the room. If not, both dire wolves will be in Room 4. This room is used as a common area/kitchen. There is nothing of value in the room except 2 barrels of wine. The Goblins have 14 silver pennies and 45 copper farthings between them.

Room 4

This is a large room of 50 feet x 20 feet. Rubbish litters the floor. 2 Goblins sleep in dirty cots in the north-east corner of the room. 3 more Goblins play cards in the south-east corner. There is a dire wolf in the centre of the room.

The dire wolf will howl as soon as it is aware of the characters.

The Goblins have 37 silver pennies and 18 copper farthings. Under one of the cots an old walking stick and a dagger is wrapped in an old piece of cloth. Upon inspection the walking stick has strange runes carved in it. There is nothing else of value in the room.

The walking stick is that sought by Pippy and was her grandfather's. It has runes which restore lost fatigue to the user, (1 every 2 hours of walking) and it's handle contains a silvered blade (dagger + 2 damage). Additionally, it will allow the user to know the shortest route to her destination.

The cells

Cell 1

4 Goblins play dice in the first cell. The cell is small, but cleaner and comfortably decorated with hangings, plush beds and commutable chairs.

The Goblins have 190 silver pennies. One has a silvered dagger and a heavy key.

Cells 2-4

The three cells are similarly well maintained to cell 1.

They are empty and there is nothing of value beside the fine furniture.

Cell 5

This cell is locked but is opened with the key held by the Goblin in Cell 1. The room appears to be a treasure storehouse and contains:

*A barrel of fine brandy
*A chest containing:

*582 silver pennies
*43 gold shillings
*Assorted gems of value 200 silver pennies combined.


This ends Part 1 of Ivi the Wood Elf's second adventure, The Waterglade.

DragonQuest was SPI's fantasy role-playing game. It is now apparently owned by Wizards of the Coast, but they don't give a toss.


@drwom footer by the fabulous @ryivhnn !!


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