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RE: Go home, Nintendo, you're drunk.
Oh, just wait another year or two and you'll be able to play Skyrim on your toaster oven, man. And, it'll just be for the low price of $100 since it comes with a special toast DLC add on. The futureee
Honestly, as much as I love Skyrim they have milked the ever living fuck out of that game. I'd like to see a new Elder Scrolls game or something instead of just a re-release or port being done every year.
Yeah, someone needs to take the sake from Nintendo before they start selling Pokemon fleshlights. Though I can only imagine how well those would probably actually sell.
I'm scared for the future of games like Skyrim. That toast DLC is no joke.
It will be in a loot crate though. With extra social justice sprinkled on, with 100% more diverse writing. Give the people would 3 loud people on the internet want!
Mmm. SJ sprinkles! Sounds like some delicious cancer to add onto anything great!