League of Legends Review/Starters guide

in #gaming7 years ago

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS with RPG elements. Two teams of powerful champions, each with a unique design and playstyle, battle head-to-head across multiple battlefields and game modes. With an ever-expanding roster of champions, frequent updates and a thriving tournament scene, League of Legends offers endless replayability for players of every skill level. (official LoL review)

League of Legends is one of, if not the most popular MOBA(Multiplayer online battle arena), you use strategic thinking, lightning reflexes, and team cooperation to fight your enemy team in a 5v5/3v3 deathmatch scenario. Regular gameplay updates, multiple maps, new gamemodes added from time to time and new champions constantly added, keep old players intrigued and brings new players every day.

What gamemodes does League of Legend have?

League of Legends has 3 main game modes that ramify and a rotating game mode that keeps changing each week.

Normal gamemode - Normal game modes are separated for map to map. There are 2 maps that support normal gamemode, 5v5 map has blind pick and draft pick, 3v3 map has just blind pick.

Blind pick is a champion locking system, faster then draft pick, but from my experience, you are less likely to get your desired role. You use the ingame chat to select your role, but most of the times people wont let you get your role. On the other hand, at draft pick locking system, you chose you 2 roles, the primary and secondary role, before the team is picked. If you don't your primary role you will get your secondary role. In theory this sound the best option, but that made the queues much more longer, so Riot.inc implemented a role filling system. If a team is not picked for you in the recommended time you will get auto-filled into a role. You cannot get auto-filled 2 times in a row so you get low queue time and your favorite role.

Ranked gamemode - Ranked gamemode is essentially a draft pick gamemode where you get rewarded LP(LeaguePoints) for wining games. There are 2 modes to play ranked Solo/Duo gamemode and Flex gamemode.

Solo/duo gamemode is the most competitive gamemode. You can queue with maximum 1 friend, and play on the 5v5 map. Flex gamemode is fun way to test yourself and your friends in some competitive games. You can queue up to 5 people and play in 5v5 and 3v3 map.

Ranked gamemode has a ladder with tiers and division, you get LP depending of your MMR(Matchmaking Rating), how many games you win in a row what scores do you get in them etc. .

From Bronze to Diamond there are 5 divisions Bronze V being the worst Diamond I being the best. In Masters and Challenger are the best players, in Challenger there are only the best 200 players on that server. From Challenger tier players eSports teams chose some player to play and get payed good money.

ARAM gamemode - ARAM gamemode consist in a long map with one lane, is 5v5 and you get your champions random. It's essentialy an all-out war.

-What are roles in League of Legends?

In league of legends there are 5 roles (1 for each player). Every player chooses a role maximum 2 and masters them.

Toplaner role - He plays on the top lane, usually plays a tank with a lot of utility (stuns, slow, snare), the summoners spells are Teleport and Flash/Ghost. The toplaner role consist in farming up till you get some tank items (armor, HP, and magic resist). You use Teleport if you see a lot of minions near your tower or if see a fight starting on bottom lane.
Recommended champions for starters: Shen, Maokai, Sion, Olaf, Darius.

Jungler- A jungler doesn't have a lane on itself, he farms from the jungler champs that are between lanes. He needs to help all the lanes to win ( it's called ganking). There are 2 types of junglers: farming jungler and ganking jungler. Keep in mind that a farming jungler still has to gank lanes and a ganking jungler still has to farm in jungle. A farming jungler has a lot of AoE (area of effect) dmg and a lot of dps(damage per second) so he can clear the jungle fast and have more levels on the other jungle, a farming jungler is usually good in duels that means that you have to try invade(get into the enemy jungle and steam their champs), but be careful at the enemy laners, they might come. A ganking jungler usually has a lot of CC(stun.slow,snare), you got to keep ganking and make your lanes be strong. The spells that they have to get are Ghost/Flash and Smite. Flash is usually better.
Recommended ganking junglers: sejuani, rammus,rek'sai,warwick.

Recommended farming junglers: Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Shyvana, Udyr.

Midlaner- On mid there are a lot of mechanycal duels, so beware it's a hard role. In midlane is the place where assassins and mages meet. The role of a midlaner is to have equal or bigger farm then the enemy and no deaths, he also need to go and help bot and top lane maybe get a kill too. You need to be careful because there are 2 ways you can get ganked (left and right). As an assassin your role is to kill the carry of the enemy team and get out. Mages have to output a lot of AoE damage, clear waves of minions. The spells that they have to get are Flash and one of these Ghost, Ignite, Exhaust, Barrier. Ghost if the champion is immobile, Ignite if the champion is an early champion, Exhaust or barrier if you plan to play safe or you have to play vs. a champion that usually beats you.
Recommended champions:Talon, Anivia, Annie, Ahri, Kassadin.

ADC - ADC and the Support live on bottom. His role is to farm up and get some kills from teamfights so he can carry the team. If you want to start playing ADC you need to have one of, if not the best farm in your team. The ADC is the most important role in the team as he does the most dmg. The hardest part is that he is the easiest guy to kill, so if you dont know to protect yourself you will only see the gray screen. The spells that they have to get are Flash and Heal.
Recommended champions: Ashe, Tristana, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Twitch.

Support - The role of a support on bottom is to make plays that give the ADC kills, or save him. If you feel your ADC will be safe or he is in base and you have time on your hand you should go mid and help your midlaner. In the rest of the game you should protect your ADC form any threats, if the ADC doesn't need help protect others. The spells that they have to get are Flash and Exhaust/Ignite.
Recommended champions: Leona, Sona, Janna, Sion, Thresh, Taric.

Every champion has his own build of items, but for each role there are some general items:
Toplaners build tank items: Armor, Magic Resist, Health in general;
Junglers have their own special item (jungler item) that helps the smite spell;
Midlaners are Ap or Ad so they chose items with that in mind, but you generaly have to get items that help you burst others, or mana items if you are a mage.
ADC uses a lot of attack speed and critical chance + lifesteal( but only 1 item or maximum 2, 2 lifesteal items build is not recommended).
Supports have to take utility items to help their team.

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