Divinity: Original Sin 2 Review.

in #gaming7 years ago

I know I said I was going to wait for Original Sin 2 to come fully in September but i hit a wall and had no other games to play(you may remember my post a few days ago about feeling empty when you finish a series) so i broke down and bought the game and i'm pleased I did!

Divnity: Original Sin 2

Coming off the amazing reboot of the Divinity series by Larian Studios in 2014 they're back with another serving of the amazing turn based RPG reboot in Divinity: Original Sin 2 the game is currently in Early Access however it releases very soon in September 2017.

Divinity 2 is set a few centuries after the first Divinity where the gods are now dead and sourcers are being systematically wiped out and enslaved, you take control of a captured sourcer heading towards Fort Joy, a prison Island at the behest of Bishop Alexandar the Innocent who has declared all source and sourcers to be criminals and responsible for the death of the gods, at the moment only act one is available, but even that gives you around 12 hours of playtime, which will be much higher on harder difficulties.


Divinity 2 lets plays control who they want and what they want introducing 4 races this time instead of one with a 5th coming out in September.

The current races are

  • Humans: Adaptable, expansionist and superstitious, humans are the dominant race of Rivellon. Civil wars have ravaged their lands, but not their authority, the standard human of any RPG.

  • Elf: Elegant and long-lived, elves are skilled sourcerors. Memory is the keystone of elven culture; they can absorb memories by consuming the flesh of others, very interesting take on elves plus their character models look amazing

  • Dwarf: Dwarves are fiercely nationalistic followers of their empress. Their proud society reveres Source and is clan-based, deeply divided between haves and have-not's, Stereotypical dwarves for an RPG, they excel in most things you can think apply to dwarves

  • Lizard: Lizards of the Ancient Empire are cultured aristocrats - Source adepts who follow rules of law. Outsiders see their society as elitist. Lizards see outsiders as servants, incredibly cool character makeups, the first Lizard you meet in Divinity 2 is a slave prince who tries to buy you as a slave by being smarter than you are, very interesting lore.

  • Undead: Not much is known about the undead yet as they're not available in Early Access, they will be coming with the full release in September.

Story line

Divinity 1 had a somewhat meek story line that was kind of forgettable and pretty cliche for an RPG, however Divinity 2 has made the story line increasingly darker than before, as you are now being persecuted and enslaved you're constantly on the look out for people trying to kill you and even the most highly respected people in the world who happen to be sourcers are treated with utter contempt and hostility, often times just talking to someone can easily start a fight as people now absolutely hate you and your kind.

Without spoiling too much your quest is to stop the Bishop responsible for this persecution and attempt to rebirth the gods into the world however as only Act 1 is available at the moment the story is not complete for me to review, overall however the story line is gripping and attention grabbing.

Game play and mechanics.

Incredible is the only way to put it, if you are a fan of Neverwinter Nights or XCOM you will love this games turn based style and character development, each class is unique and serves a very vital role in the party makeup, you can expect the standard classes of most RPGs from Fighters and rogues to unique classes such as the wayfarer and metamorph.

Most classes can be played in any style you want and built from the ground up exactly the way you want it, however there is always the benefit of being a two handed sword using Knight as opposed to a wand carrying one, the character panel lets you pick your own individual stats, skills, perks and out of combat mechanics for a litany of things like speech, crafting and cooking.

The actual game play is turn based like most RPGs of the golden age, allowing you to plan and strategize on the fly or carefully think out entire attack plans before you even engage, no matter the way you play there is a play style that suits you.

They have also updated their physics engines from the previous games to allow for better cohesion in the game such as casting or environmental effects, for example during a storm trying to cast a patch of toxic gas will be almost useless as it will be immediately swept away in the wind.

Dialogue Options.

Another amazing feat by Larian, this time you can truly take over your game play and do whatever you want there is story and dialogue for everything you could possibly do, don't want to even talk to the first quest giver when you immediately start the game? kill him and lead a mutiny on the ship straight away.

The in-depth dialogue system gets even better as the game progresses as you can use unique dialogue options based on nearly anything, race, gender, class, background, weapons, cooking skills, hell i'm sure there's a dialogue option out there for if you like animals or not.

The world of Divinity is now huge in scope as the complexities you can accrue due to your actions are almost never ending and even one act can be replayed thousands of times and be completely different every playthrough.


I love the aesthetic of this game, their new divinity engine makes the game look absolutely astounding, i remember when i first got off the ship simply exploring the beach and look at the detail and sharpness of the surroundings, it makes the game very atmospheric when the environments actually suit what it would be like, caves are dark and deserts are almost blinding, things like shadows and wind interact very well together and can hide many things unless you look hard for it.

Overall rating: Must buy for RPG fans.

I can't stress enough if you love the golden age of turn based RPG, to buy this game when you can, for the price tag at the moment it's worth even more, i'm guessing when the game is fully released this will be a game with hundreds of hours of content to play through, it's extremely refreshing to see a developer of an amazing game actually look for the criticisms of the community so they can fix them in the next one and that's exactly what Larian has down with Divinity 2.

I'm not usually a proponent for Early Access games but in this case i'll make an exception and say buy it now, even though it comes out in September if you were like me and waiting for the full release you're only missing out on some amazing gameplay in the present.

Thanks for reading my review of Divinity: Original Sin 2, if you liked this article feel free to leave a comment below or upvote and resteem it, thanks for reading guys and girls!


Nice review man! Well written and very informational!

Great post! Would you mind if I included it in today's "best of gaming"?

Thanks Gaming trail, for sure! I'm still trying to figure out how you do the delegations, do you give some of the money to all of the people you list or only some?

Either way money or no, feel free to include this, thank you!

Hey man, currently there is no money being given out to the people who I include because of changes withing the general trail model. Once that will be sorted out, at least a bit of money should be again going out to you guys.

Ahh okay no worries man, just thought i'd ask either way, cheers.

Great review. I love tactical RPG's. This was not on my radar but now it is. can I include you post in the best game reviews of the week? its a new series I am making to help spread the great game reviews here on steemit

Hey man, sure you can, it's a great game as well really should check it out :) Thanks tga!

yeah I am so interested in this game. Tactical games are some of my favorites but their are so few so whenever one comes along I have to check it out. Cool I will tag you

Larian are doing gods work with Divinity, i'm hoping this reignites the tactical turn based D&D game's of the past.

Cheers mate!

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