Realm Defense - The tower defense game your tablet need !

in #gaming7 years ago

Tower defense are an addictive kind of game. But the good one are rare and Realm Defense is ... a very good one... even if it's a F2P.


Yesterday, i was browsing the appstore and i don't even know what i was looking for. So i make few research and when i found Realm defense and the few screenshots available, i was not thinking one second that this game was going to eat a lot of my time.

Where should i start this review ?

It's a good question because there are so much thing to tell about this game :

  • The gameplay

We should start here, Tower defense isn't a complicated kind of game but can be very challenging. In this one, you have a few turrets, all have some abilities and you can upgrade them. All kind of monsters are going to try to reach the end of the map and your turret will be your primary weapon. Turret can be upgraded with stars,in a kind of tree. The starts collected at the end of the level according to your performance.
To help them fight those waves of monsters, you will access to heroes. The heroes can be manipulated, moved and had special abilities too. They can level up and the level up is permanent but we're going to talk about that into the f2p part.
Finally, you will have access to some items too, i did not use many ones because i keep them for higher level, but they seems very powerful.

  • The campaign


The main goal is to beat the campaign and there are already a tons of level in this game. All the level can be done in legendary mode too to unlock some more treasure.
Is the game easy ? No way, im just at level 17 and it's hard if you want to play without paying anything. You will have to farm if you want to keep moving in this game but unlike some other free to play games, the farming is OK.

  • Free to play / pay to play or pay to win ?!


I'm at the beginning at the game so it's hard to tell but i did play many f2p where you can't do a thing if you did not pay.
Here, you have access to many ways if you want to up your total of gems (money in the game) or elixir . The last money in the game are energy but this one reload himseld alone with time.

What will gave you gems ?! --> With gems, you can buy new heroes, upgrade some farming building...
What will gave you elixir ?! --> Elixir will help you to level up your heroes...
What will gave you energy ?! --> Energy will allow you to enter to a level / tournament / endless mode...

--> Tournament : There are some tournement divided by league which you can freely enter and compete !
--> Quest : There are a bunch of quest who can help you to win more gems / elixir
-->Endless mode : Like tournament, you can enter freely (it seems) once day and you will get
--> Daily trial : I will edit this post later , need to take another look before to the mecanisme of this one


The game has :

  • 60 level / 3 world
  • 11 heroes available

The game will give you the 2 first heroes and it will be up to you to farm and unlock the third one. Before upgrading the first farming elixir building, it will be better to unlock the third heroes who are mandatory. I did not do it and was a little stuck cuz of the lack of gems. But with some farming, you should unlock it in a matter of hours.

Even if the game is difficult, i don't have the sentiment that the game is a pay to win. You farm when you can and there are so many ways to gain in game money, if you play a lot (and well !), i guess you will be able to beat the game and have much fun in the league competition.

If you like tower defense, you will hate me, because this game will seriously eat your free time :-)

Thank you for reading and see you soon.

My other review :


Looks great! I'll defenitely try it sometime soon!Thanks for sharing this with us :)


Hello @pizzachain , thank you ! The game is very neat, i'm sure you will enjoy it.

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