Diamond card flipping: my much awaited moment!

in #gaming5 years ago


Every Steem-Monsters player knows that there is no better moment in the game than the morning after a season finishes! The excitement and suspense of so many cards waiting to be revealed when you log in in the morning! It's even better than Christmas... Because the @steemmonsters fairy is real and Santa isn't, plus it happens more than once a year!

Last night, in the middle of the night when I was woken (as usual) by my toddler (who is currently scared of everything from the dark to monsters (oddly enough, not Steem-Monsters!) through to pizza's... Yes it is a strange time one's life...)... (hang on, that sentence really got hijacked off close there...)...

Last night, I managed to get a couple of stupidly lucky wins which when combined with the 2x multiplier for a winning streak just got my nose over the Gold to Diamond threshold! Immediately I stopped playing... After all, that little jump meant that I was getting an extra 10 reward cards in the morning!


... And here it is! The moment of suspense and excitement! I see that there is an open all button... What sort of heartless monster would use that and forget the childlike joy of opening and flipping each card in turn? Bah, Scrooge MacDuck... That's who!

Unfortunately, I would have to wait a little bit longer before I could start revealing the cards... Apparently I am supposed to work.. Rehearsal for a concert in an hour... Surely the others can figure stuff out for themselves... Just play well!


Well... Sadly, not a great draw.. There were no legendary cards and only one gold one! But still, no one can take away the fun of flipping each one in turn! Oddly enough, the common cards are currently worth more to me than the rare and epic cards. This is mainly due to fact that most of my epic and rare cards are already levelled to the limits of what I can use with the current level of my summoners. So, most of these cards find themselves dumped straight to the market.

The commons are all being combined with one notable exception which I will talk about in a bit...


The most interesting level up this morning was for the Fire Splinter Imp Bowman. This epic card has now levelled to Level 4 which means that it picks up a armour piercing ability. Already this card (at only 2 mana) is a great filler for the Fire Splinter when you have a space to fill and very little mana after placing your big guns. Now, this little guy is even more enticing. Sure, he is a bit of a glass cannon..but I consider him to be an extra to a team, rather than an integral part of the lineup. After all, there isn't anything else that you could play with only 2 mana.


... And my Gold slime just got that little bit better! Now at level 6,there isn't much utility to it other than slowing the enemy team (and as canon fodder to make the enemy team waste a crucial attack of two!). I really have now no incentive to hold any regular slimes... After all, there isn't much to be gained from a level 8 slime. I'm considering just dumping ever normal slimme (even my levelled one) in favour of just having this gold guy in my ranks!

Steem-Monsters (aka the best blockchain game out there!)

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I laughed when I reached the "Santa isn't real" part...yes, only RNG (Steemmonsters' fairy in this case) is real and it's everywhere, in every place regarding luck in gaming! Sadly RNG isn't really happy with me these days (hit like two far-off-the-middles in a normal probability distribution two times in two days), but that's luck, it comes and go as it wishes...

Good luck with your game! :3 (Card games aren't really for me but it's great to see every game being loved!)

Yep... that's RNG for you... sometimes, with you and sometimes against... it's almost like it is random!

I agree... the feeling of flipping cards is awesome. I really regret that they are now stacking the cards... I loved flipping them one by one.

Yes... I wish there was an option to turn it off... I mean, I understand if you are flipping hundreds of cards at a time... but that sort of industrial scale of flipping has really lost touch with the inner child!

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