
As @pbock pointed out, the shotgun only hits ONE target at close range, so just one zombie is killed. Shall we make it the runner?

I wasn't 100% sure if that was the case, but that sounds good to me.. means a shotgun player has to make a decision if they step back to hit two or step in to hit one twice.

Yep, let's take out the rascally runner.

I guess you missed the reply I made when P5 (or was it P10?)entered the building and had to deal with 2 zombies. I had said that both zombies were killed and pbock corrected me. It's pretty bad when I can't recall my own rules! Good thing we have seasoned players with good memories that watch over me. I was too excited to see both zombies get wiped out that I didn't think clearly and only remembered the part about hitting 2 targets, but not the rest of the rule about close range being a single target but with 2 damage points.

Now I need to up-date the rules with what we just discussed about dropping items upon death.

Haha, that's the best thing about a team game!

I just thought of something: When a player dies and gets sent back to the start-point, do they drop all their inventory or take it with them? If dropped, can others pick up the items or are they lost?
I think I would prefer to keep the inventory in play somehow. Either players don't lose it or others can take them and even deliver the items back to the original owner or re-distribute them. Not sure how to deal with permanent items though. Any ideas/suggestions?

I like them dropping it because it's still a loss but if folks are nice they can deliver it back or provide some in game drama by keeping it XD

So true. What about the permanent items?
The items were won as permanent items. I suppose as long as the ITEM stays in the game it is technically still considered permanent, but the owner now changes hands. More reason NOT to get killed!

... Time to watch my back I guess sharpens axe agressively

LOL... not to worry; that part was not implemented. Owners get their stuff back at the end of the game.

I agree with @justatouchfey... I think items should definitely be dropped if the player is killed.

I personally think that a permanent item should be dropped, and can be used by another player, but that the permanent owner should get it back for the next game. Hopefully that'll teach 'em not to be so reckless, but should prevent players from deliberating killing other players for their permanent weapon.

I didn't even think about respawning, I just assumed that if I died, then Player 2 would be out and I would ask nicely if I could play one of the remaining unused players for the remainder of the game.

I'm pretty easy decision-wise though... I'm not dying. I'm a ninja!

THANKS! I like those thoughts!
And yea... you the NINJA!!!!

I like this too! The permanent item should go back to the original owner but it would be awesome if someone else could pick it up for the duration of the game.

Then so it shall be done.

I'll up-date the rules now so that it shows up for the following game. In the mean-time, this conversation becomes an official attachment to the rules. LOL

THIS is the update I wrote for next game:
When a player dies, they drop all their inventory at the place of death (including permanent items). Other players can then pick up those dropped items if they have room in their own inventory. Permanent items will be returned to the original owner for the NEXT game.

I was wondering if you all would want to play this saga all the way thorough with needing to play BACKWARDS all the way back to where you left your vehicles? ALL existing zombies that were not killed would still be on the board. Perhaps we need to collect 3 sacks of rice to use to make rope from and a pouch to keep all the gear in so it doesn't get dropped passing the rock wall? (It's a long way to the first search area and that is very close to a spawn zone, so going back empty-handed would be suicide.)

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

This shotgun... I swear...

Action 2: Blast 'em! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

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