Cuphead Racist & Ableist? SJW vs Gaming Rant - AlphaOmegaSin

in #gaming7 years ago

Cuphead gameplay is too challenging so it's dubbed ableist. Cuphead bosses & enemies & design in general is racist because of the art style. SJW cringe knows no bounds so they claim ridiculous crap like this so after seeing this in my feed so much I said to hell with it let's do a rant. Remember everyone, get good or get a new game.


Welcome to Steemit Alpha!

Thanks Shane ^_^

There's a boss or two in Cuphead that I haven't been able to defeat yet. Do I blame the game for being ableist against my particular skillset or do I blame myself for just not getting the patterns down 100% yet? I'm leaning towards the latter, but the former makes for better headlines!

Considering how you're able to beat Ghouls n Ghosts relatively easily I'd say it's only a matter of time before you eventually start doing this shit with your eyes closed

Good luck I've been upvote
Greetings. @alphaomegasin

The whole prospect of lousy journalism explained in a paragraph!
Impressive to say the least.

Are there floating medusa heads? No? then it can't be that hard.

Yeah nobody needs that shit lol
Though to be fair they do have a lot of enemies that are just about as annoying, flying ones no less

People are so stupid

Stupid and professionally sensitive and offended by shit that isn't even what their claims make it out to be

I thought it was Cup-ist.

I see what you did there

I read this as C-Cup

LOL! You joined Steemit? Welcome man.

Well, if it's really you.

Yeah I had meant to join for a decent bit now and my buddies kept saying I should so finally went ahead and did it

Cuphead is cute, which is discriminatory against those of us who are not cute.

Hi I'm aggroed. I've resteemed your post to 8500 people on here. thanks for joining. I'm hosting a panel discussion on January 13th at 11am est. It's desgined to connect youtubers with steem devs, whales, and an audience here. Wanna join us?

Find me in Discord:

We will convince him to. He needs to.

Heck man, thank you a bunch
I'd totally be down for sitting in for it

Haha, sometimes it's like a joke. As for me, the more difficult the game is the better! Welcome to Steemit @alphaomegasin!

Yeah in no way should people be watering down games just to appease everyone else, we got plenty that are super accessible to a large audience. Ones like this cater to a different type of gamer from the oldschool days but in a modern setting and it's very much needed

Pray for your visit,thanks.

Wiat, now that I think about it, the cups ARE white. So of course it's racist. they are grey. So they are half racist.

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