Any gamedevs on Steemit? Let's collaborate!

in #gamedev7 years ago (edited)

I have experience making Flash games, and want to dip back in.

concept art.png
Concept art from my game design - "Pixelwar" using unit graphics I've already drawn.

Greetings steemians, artists and programmers alike. I've been working on a game concept for a while now, based on the idea of a 2D real time strategy wargame. Influenced by my early days of RTS gaming, the Command and Conquer series and even earlier than that, Armor Alley a totally linear stategy war game.

A 2D side-scrolling RTS? Who would play that crap?

Actually tower defense games are hugely popular today. Essentially that is what they are, with a few graphic modifications. The gameplay mechanism would consist of building units which go autonomously towards the enemy side and duke it out. Infantry, APCs, tanks, artillery, aircraft and anti-air would all make an appearance. Each unit serves a specific role, eliminating duplication and unnecessary complexity, but maintaining enough depth to make gameplay interesting. I really like the idea of emergent gameplay, where we put basic pieces in and let the players come up with their own strategies.

What's your forte?

Pixel art, at it's core is my specialty. I like the precision and detail that it affords me. Because of this, I propose to make the game in 2D pixel art using HTML5/JS or Flash as the platform. This allows the game to be played on mobile, desktop or tablet without having to worry about heavy graphics demands. Pixel art is still widely popular in mobile games and I feel that mine is unique. More importantly, I have tons of patience for which this type of artwork can be very demanding.

Who are you looking for?

A programmer, a sound guy and anyone else who wants to work together. I can do the artwork, animations and level design. I can even program some but I haven't kept up over time. So the game would need a basic framework, game loop, unit classes and hit detection. If you know some game development API that you feel makes game crafting easier, please let me know.

Game design?

I've thought through it lots and I think I have a good idea for how it would play out. Infantry and tanks are the backbone of your army, but can be thwarted by anti-tank and artillery. For this you need a good airforce, which means helicopter gunships, transports and jets. Of course you need to defend against enemy air units with missiles too. I have so much artwork for ground units, infantry and even planes and helicopters at this point that I feel there's enough for a fully featured game. The theme is cold war style - 1970s and 1980s themed units mixed with modern era ones. They are loosely based off real military equipment from the USA and USSR but may include other sides as well.

$$$ ?

I want this game to be free to play with the option to buy in-game upgrades using cryptocurrencies like Steem or Bitcoin. I find that free to play games can be surprisingly profitable if you're willing to work on updating the game, adding new units and features that players are willing to pay for. Of course this would be divided equally between the team members of which there's currently just one. I'm more than willing to share with someone that can bring good coding skill to the table. I also have some crypto lying around that could be used to pay someone outright to just program the initial stages to the point where I could take over and program the rest myself.

Show me the goods!

Early game design


Helicopter units


Recon and APCs


Firearms of the world


Squads concept and their armament


Well there's plenty more where that came from. If any of you game dev nerds want a new project to work on and enjoyed my artwork, don't hesitate to send me a message. I've been stewing on this game idea for years now and I'm ready to get it off the ground, with the help of others or alone if need be!

I'd also like to make a shout-out to which has an amazing selection of CC0 game art to which I am a contributor. See my work under the name Pixel32.


Yo! My band The Walding Family has been wanting to make some music for a video game. We're electronic with lots of real instruments, you can hear us here:

I'd love to talk to you and see if there's some overlap in our goals - we're very serious about trying to do some kind of project involving video games and music.

here's my email: [email protected]

I like this post. It's a fun concept and includes the community. I hope this turns out well for you and anyone who joins in. Followed.

I don't think I have any applicable skills, but if you ever need a writer...

Very cool. Every great game needs good tunes! Listening to some of your jams now. I will definitely keep you guys in mind for this project.

Just finished listening to your song "TheChromeFuture" - very chill.
Sent you 2.5 STEEM.

Hell yeah, thank you so much!

Please don't use Flash. That's a dead technology. Go for HTML5. If you want to see what's possible with HTML5, check out

Good luck! :-)

I've always enjoyed Flash for its simplicity, but it has limitations as well. As for HTML5, it's more flexible but harder to get started with animations, sounds, basic game loops etc.

Please do yourself and your users a favour and don't use Flash. Check this website ( out if you want to know why.

Really really late on this one but i can draw a little if anything. let me know if you need help and ill do my best to provide what i can.

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