SteemGlobal #2

in #game8 years ago (edited)

"Taking treasure hunting to all corners of the world"

Treasure Map

This is the second version of SteemGlobal where everyone here on steemit is invited to play. You can also invite other people to play who are not yet on steemit. Specially if you know someone that lives near the “treasure.”
The point of this challenge is to have an interactive game with the community while providing an incentive for more people to play.


Increased reward % for people who are in the area surrounding the treasure.

Rules updated

  • In order to play and win you must upvote this post and comment to win.
  • If you are in Japan, all you have to do to win is take a photo of you with Mount Fuji in the background. This will earn you 75% of author rewards including monthly author reward for this post.
  • You can also look in google maps, google earth etc. to find the photo. If you find it, write in the comments the coordinates where you found the photo.
  • Winner of the SteemGlobal (coordinates) challenge will get 50% of the author rewards for this post, including monthtly author reward.
  • If there are two winners, one for each challenge. Then 80% of author rewards will be split in a 60/40 ratio. 60% going to the person uploading a picture next to Mount Fuji and 40% for the person that finds the picture.


You are encouraged to go out in the world for maximum rewards.
However we can't always go out or the treasure may not be near by...
This is where Google comes in. We are currently able to upload photos to Google Earth and Google Maps allowing us to play world wide.

Mount Fiji Mount Fiji

Treasure Find me!


With a social crypto community like Steemit there are some things many like. One is transparacy, as Steemit along with Bitcoin are based on blockchain technology which is all open sourced. There is also one thing that no one wants, that is bad reputation. If you try to scam anyone, the community can make sure you are not successful here in steemit.

With that said, I will do a post naming the winner(s) and will show proof of transfer of steem dollars.
Others playing the game and even people interested in thegame can also be used to verify this claims.


Google analytics
Here is where most of the traffic to the previous SteemGlobal game was coming from.
In the future and with more players, it will be possible to have treasure hunts for specific locations where there are steemit users.

Edit: (This data does not identify anyone and only shows where the traffic is coming from. Which can easily be fooled by accessing a proxy, vpn or better yet tor)


You are encourage to play the game and you have as much chance as a whale of winning.
You are encouraged to make your own version of the game or a follow up of this version and post it in the comments.
Work together and upvote good versions of the game.


It is very important to upvote if you like this idea. Even if you are not the winner or there is one already.

Why is it important to upvote?
Upvoting will not only increase the share that goes to the winner(s) but it also encourages others to make their own version of the game. Upvote to support others that are playing the game.

Previous Winner


Follow (:

SteemGlobal 1


Upvoted. Win.

You need to write down the coordinates for this picture

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