How long to spoon feed one of the masses?

in #future6 years ago

For mass adoption of crypto to happen, the masses need to be educated but but how much time and effort should really be spent trying to convince people who are set in their ways? Rather, wouldn't it be better to replace the ways? Replacing the ways doesn't require mass education, it requires concentration.

At Steem, I see this as the role of Dapps and coming SMTs as they create alternatives for the masses to jump ship from where they currently are and start into earning crypto. The problem of course is, what is the point of earning if there is nothing to spend it on? Which is obviously coming and, will continue be integrated into the various systems that are already used through banks and financial services.

The banks of course will have to come on board because their customer base is going to begin using cryptocurrencies in some form to streamline their business models and once that happens, the investment into crypto and blockchains becomes ubiquitous.

But, this isn't the spoon feeding I am really talking about, this is just one facet of it.

Freedom comes with responsibility and unfortunately, this is something that most people aren't taught as their freedom is actually dependent on entitlement, privilege and the masters who grant it. To understand this however takes education namely, deprogramming and learning. It has been going on for 2000 years or more through various philosophies but, with the development of global communications, this might be the first time in history that it is somewhat achievable on the scale required to tip the balance.

What I question is that how long should any one individual spend trying to convince those around them to start investigating the alternative worlds that they do not yet see, although they exist. For the average person, the crypto world for example is one that is filled with mystery and complexity, if known about at all. For most, all they know is, Bitcoin does something or doesn't.

To get involved takes a great deal of learning as there are so many niche areas and so much FUD, scam and technical requirements that for average people, the hurdle is too high. Investing into getting one or two people involved is rather a monumental effort. At what point does one say, I can't invest more into this person and move on?

This goes with everything though doesn't it? How much energy can be invested into a person who fights change? Wouldn't it be better to find the people who are already changing? Those people are the ones who are going to be invested into investing themselves into change and will already be partly autonomous in their approach, rather than completely reliant on instruction.

The problem is that no matter how some people are approached, unless they see the need, they aren't going to be interested and will continually make up excuses to not look into something and expect that if it is valuable, someone will hand it to them on a platter. At the point of platter service, the value is largely gone and one becomes a user rather than a first mover. Part of the masses who adopted.

It is a hard process though as people that are close and in need are among those who do not see the value in investing into the potential of uncertainty. I am sure that for those who got excited at the potential of Bitcoin early, found it a very hard sell to their friends and family at the time. Any regrets from family now I wonder?

Again, this goes for all opportunities as for most, they need to be spoon fed in order to do anything but, they are not children, they are the entitled. This is part of the responsibility of being an individual though, when does one stop investing? Do you know? Does it depend on whether it is an acquaintance, a family member, a lover, a child? At what point does one cut them loose and say, you are on your own?

Everyone is on their own aren't they? This is one of the core issues with the world currently as people expect help to do things that only they can do. No amount of advice can lift a weight at the gym for a person and, no one can do the learning for you. It is up to you but for most, they want it pre-chewed and partly-digested so that it is easy for them to consume.

When things change however and they realize that instead of being a mover, they become glued to the masses they will protest and exclaim "Why didn't you tell me"

We did tell, we did.

The masses are made up of individuals who either didn't have the opportunity to, or the foresight for, being one of the leaders. It is part of the process unfortunately that at least in the world we have created so far and the skills we have as humans, not everyone can be a first adopter as not everyone is willing to invest into learning in uncertainty before the system is definite.

[ a Steem original ]


I don't really think crypto needs to be encouraged, or taught, in the evangelic sense. Yes, if people ask me, I will tell them excitedly about the future of commerce (blockchain). But people don't ask about blockchain unless they are already hooked by its exciting potential, and then you are preaching to the choir.

Conversely, when you approach others and talk about crypto or blockchain and they dont already know it, they almost exclusively reject it. Its too radical. They are too confused by the lies that exist around fiat being "safe" and the govt. backing it up with gold (which hasnt been the case for decades).

You were right when you said:
"What I question is that how long should any one individual spend trying to convince those around them to start investigating the alternative worlds that they do not yet see, although they exist."

They are blind to the possibility, and so be cautios about how much time you commit to convincing disinterested people, they will not come, UNTIL everyone comes. And yes, everyone will come, so yes "they" will come too, but not because of an argument being won, or a fact being learned.

The masses will come because they have no other choice, and as an aside because "the powers that be" tell them its "safe", which isnt the narrative yet, but will be.

I don't really think crypto needs to be encouraged, or taught, in the evangelic sense.

Me either. This is more about the introduction to people (and even the interested) and how long one is willing to invest before giving up and moving onto the next.

Conversely, when you approach others and talk about crypto or blockchain and they dont already know it, they almost exclusively reject it. Its too radical.


They are too confused by the lies that exist around fiat being "safe" and the govt. backing it up with gold (which hasnt been the case for decades).

I have a friend who has been buying US dollars for 'security'

And yes, everyone will come, so yes "they" will come too, but not because of an argument being won, or a fact being learned.

It is a shame of sorts but, some will always be before others.

The masses will come because they have no other choice, and as an aside because "the powers that be" tell them its "safe", which isnt the narrative yet, but will be.

Once the platforms at support authorities are established, the backflip will start.

My own rule of thumb is that for each step someone makes towards me, I will make a step towards them. If I step forward, they must respond in kind, taking responsibility for themselves and their actions.

I've spoken to many people about cryptocurrency. Very few have been hungry to learn. Some have returned at a later date to make greater enquiry. I won't expend anymore energy than they are willing to reciprocate.

The essence of cryptocurrency is personal responsibility. The idea of personal responsibility has been diminished in these modern times. Many seek to externalize blame. When I contemplate this I'm reminded of the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule. Only 20 percent of the people do the work necessary to achieve. The other 80 percent wait in the hope of being favored by the other. It is almost like a natural hierarchy of leadership. We can't all be leaders or we would have no followers. Those of us who are leaders must stoically move forward, like the captains of ships seeking to find great bounties to share with our hard working and obedient crew.

I won't expend anymore energy than they are willing to reciprocate.

I think this is a good standard but it gets iffy when one is invested in the outcomes for another. For example, If would like my wife to learn so if something happens to me, she is capable of continuing and teaching our daughter. Do I cut her loose? Just an example :)

The idea of personal responsibility has been diminished in these modern times. Many seek to externalize blame.

I feel that this is an engineered control mechanism that is learned but, that is another post perhaps.

When I contemplate this I'm reminded of the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule.

And the 80 say 'it isn't fair'.

Those of us who are leaders must stoically move forward, like the captains of ships seeking to find great bounties to share with our hard working and obedient crew.

I like the imagery :)

Most of us who favored decentralization are philosophers who prefer to look into the essence of things and to go beyond the facade. The masses are conditioned to see the facade. Is it more effective 2 push them past the facade or to Simply package complex Concepts in a form they can appreciate and Digest?

Most of us who favored decentralization are philosophers who prefer to look into the essence of things

This is quite true I think or at least, unhappy with the current state of affairs.

Yes. I think the rat race is so arduous and all-consuming, it's hard to think about the future. Even though the future will run so many people over, because it's job losses and currency crunches are hurtling over the digital dunes toward us like a tank. :0

it's hard to think about the future

People like certainty, while they dream of illusory security.

Although agree with you mostly, but see it's not always the people who are at fault. Sometimes they are devoid of the right information. They are not passed on the right information correctly. When I joined in the crypto I had no idea about anything then I reached out to a friend who helped me out initially with a lot of things. And rather than spoonfeeding me about things he made look for them myself and understand them.
I think that's the kind of help that everyone should get.

You did the reaching? You took responsibility. This is exactly what I am talking about.

The banks coming in big will be a blessing, making a lot of people that more comfortable to transact with crypto. For now, we'll just sit back and wait for something big.... As pioneers we probably stand to benefit more

Does it depend on whether it is an acquaintance, a family member, a lover, a child? At what point does one cut them loose and say, you are on your own?

Yes it does. And that point depends with each and everyone of them.

Someone today said that getting coins for free was to much of a risk. I ask if they played the lottery they said yes. I said talk to you later.

That was a quick cut off. Others I would spend a little more of my time with even if it was just a conversation.

That monkey worked overtime on this post 👍

Others I would spend a little more of my time with even if it was just a conversation.

It all depends on the relationship as there is a sunk cost state at play.

"We did tell you. We did."

I don't know if I agree with this. I don't know a great deal about crypt, def don't have the funds to invest in it, and most of what I've seen written about it has been confusing for the most part. Nor have I seen it presented in a way that show how it could transform our communities or help us break free from the current debt-based enslavement we're all suffering in.

Money has been abstracted so much that I don't think most of us understand how it affects us.
I think crypto, and finance generally, and economies, bore people stupid. There is a big need for it to be taken out of its abstraction and blown out into actuality. The problem is that I don't know how to do that without going all the way back through the entire history of money and how it has been changed from something that is meant to oil the gears of flow and instead into a method of control and hoarding. And who's got time for that 200-hour lecture?

I guess i feel like blaming people for not jumping into something they don't understand is a little unfair when so many people don't even understan the fiat system that has rorted them. I can't help wondering if when people hear about crypto it just sounds like one more get-rich-quick scheme for people with tech inclinations and the cash to spare.

I don't know a great deal about crypt, def don't have the funds to invest in it, and most of what I've seen written about it has been confusing for the most part.

Read about it, write about it, explore it and ask for clarification when unsure of the answers that come. Steemit is a great place to learn.

Nor have I seen it presented in a way that show how it could transform our communities or help us break free from the current debt-based enslavement we're all suffering in.

THese are being created now and when introduced, mass adoption happens.

I think crypto, and finance generally, and economies, bore people stupid.

Nearly everything that really influences us is boring so, people instead look to entertain themselves. I see it as part of a control mechanism, hide opportunity in plain sight.

And who's got time for that 200-hour lecture?

To get an overview doesn't take anywhere near this long and it doesn't have to be compressed into a week. Small steps lead to big things but everyone wants the cure in the form of a pill. That pill is generally blue.

I guess i feel like blaming people for not jumping into something they don't understand is a little unfair when so many people don't even understan the fiat system that has rorted them.

If they feel they have been rorted, more the reason for them in investing in understanding.

I can't help wondering if when people hear about crypto it just sounds like one more get-rich-quick scheme for people with tech inclinations and the cash to spare.

For the most part, i think you are right but those who are curious dig deeper.

I get really frustrated too at the lack of curiosity in so many people. It's sorta creepy how much people take at face value and how unadventurous they seem to be in their thinking. I agree you have to work a little and think about things and be willing to be confused :)

I think success and accurate prediction all depends on the foresight and acumen of a person but one thing is for sure you cannot gain anything without attempting it.

One thing that stops many people is risk, risk of loosing it all. Fear that stops them from wondering

There is no risk in reading a little to find out about how things may work. The investment is in time and energy.

Invest time and energy is also risk. Time is limited.

The biggest risk is not using it.

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