The Creative Crypto Roadmap

in #future6 years ago (edited)

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The Road Ahead

Now that The Creative Crypto’s open-source interface is officially public and we’ve made our first milestone of the year, we wanted to present our prospects for the magazine and the exciting road ahead. We’ll be adding many more layers of content and diverse functionalities to the website and to give you a sense of what will be available over the next several months, here is our roadmap for 2018!

The roadmap is more of a checklist rather than a hard schedule but we believe this to be an accurate projection of what we’re looking to develop from now until the rest of the year.

Late Q2 - Early Q3

  • The Creative Crypto Billboard

This will be the biggest new development to the website, porting our @cc-billboard account on Steemit to the BILLBOARD tab on interface. For the last week since announcing the new beta feature, we’ve received close to 100 submissions from creative professionals, blockchain platforms, and articles on various aspects of the creative crypto world. Here’s a peek at how the interface design is shaping up behind the scenes -

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As you can see, the Billboard will host ongoing content submitted by our readership. This forum will host a unique array of creative content; everything from short-form articles, project spotlights, to competitions hosted by crypto-companies and initiatives. Our goal is to make it the premiere crypto-hotspot to list and learn about the best new opportunities in the space for creatives looking to get involved. We’ll have a more extensive Submissions link that makes it easier for anyone to have their work / event / community showcased on this part of the website.

Once the Billboard feature has officially launched, we’ll continue to build out new ways to sort according to hashtag or contributor name. Be sure to stay tuned for this major update in the weeks to come!

  • The First Partnered Content Series

A program we’ve been developing for the last few weeks is more partnerships with existing companies with a lot of rich stories to tell. There are still not many venues that can effectively host long-form or a series of content around the same topic or theme. We’re looking to break that mold and offer greater insight into the most exciting new creative technologies in the crypto space. We’ll be working closely with founding teams to creative exclusive and thoughtfully crafted content that showcases many dimensions of their initiative. The first examples will be published very soon.

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  • Contribution and Sponsorship Features

To build on the momentum of the upcoming Billboard and Partnered Content, we’ll be building more opportunities for partners and sponsors to work with us and create unique content and events. This will include in-person events with our Meetup group, ongoing exhibitions like the one we’re doing for Sndbox, “The Crypto Renaissance,”, and other types of impactful programming that truly rallies the creative blockchain community together. We’re looking to establish the highest engagement possible with industry leaders.

  • Community Activities and Events

Alongside in-person events, we’ll be creating more articles that engage our readership even further. This will include lotteries / giveaways, surveys, challenges, and contests. Keep an eye out for our future campaigns for ongoing chances to be involved and win unique crypto-related prizes!

Q3 - Q4

  • Resources

This is the crypto-elephant in the room that’s we’ll be tackling head on. Learning about crypto and blockchain is still very burdensome and mired in inaccessible technical jargon. We’ve been working with the @kr-marketing team to create much more approachable visuals and explanations but we still have a long way to go. We’ll be putting a great deal of time and resources behind creating guides and material that are much more digestible, shareable, and understandable.

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thumbnail illustrated by @carrotcake | article images by @zsolt.vidak

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Hello, The Creative Crypto Magazine :) You are doing a great and important job! I would like to join your artists. Do I have to draw illustrations on the subject of Blockchain? What are your requirements for artists? What are the methods of selecting authors? Thank you for the answer

Hi @feelisgood, thanks so much for your support of the @creativecrypto magazine! If you would like to apply to our illustration team, feel free to reach out with worksamples via email - hello[at] Each artwork is customized to the article itself, most all of which is centered around the themes of blockchain and creativity. Thanks again for your interest :)

All the success in all your projects... You deserve it.

Great cover by @carrotcake
I love it so much!

New agreement calculation

The principle goal of the CREA Core is to accomplish more prominent value and decentralization of its administration. As of now the CREA blockchain utilizes the POW Keccak agreement calculation. This accord is extremely legitimate and satisfies its principle reason however we see that sooner rather than later the decentralization of the stage might be influenced in the event that we keep on using this framework. The professionalization of mining in specific ranches and the conceivable inescapable appearance of an ASIC for the Keccak calculation can influence the appropriation of CREA to center around less individuals. Another issue that we find in the medium term needs to do with the expansion in the vitality use engaged with digital money mining and the natural impression this could cause later on. At the point when a blockchain with POW accord framework is gathered in a couple of pools or ranches with an expansive hash power can produce a considerable measure of weight in the control and the cost of the cryptographic money, something not suggested for the network of CREA.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63098.94
ETH 2621.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74