What About The Coming Greater Depression? Can we learn from the past?

in #future6 years ago

The future is in uncharted territory

People do their best to predict the future based on what has happened in the past.

And, for many things, this is an important aspect of life.
We jump up, but then get pulled back down to the ground.
We rely on such things being stable, reliable, repeatable...

But what happens when the paradigm changes.

  • Gyroscopes spun, clockwise, at high RPMs lose weight.
  • Capacitors charged to millions of volts float.
  • Transcendental meditators have been known to levitate.

And now that, which was once familiar, has outcomes that are in the realm of fantasy.

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What other things do we think we know, that ain't so?

How about war?

For millenia men have fought battles. Its human nature. Survival of the fittest.
But what if this is only so because several other pieces are interacting to create conflict?

Such as, if not for the rotschildren and other big, behind the scenes puppeteers, no large scale conflicts would have ever happened. If grandpa Bush hadn't financed Hitler, he would have been nothing, etc.

What if everyone can have, by their own hand, the ability to grow their own food, easily? What would that do to unease and rioting caused by starving masses?

What if everyone started living long enough to remember the last war, and said, "i ain't havin no part of that"?

Then suddenly, wars become a thing that only exists in ancient history books.

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What if there was some evidence that blank-slate children don't exist.

What would that do the entire paradigm of having children?

What if we had conclusive proof that dropping children off at day care and having mommy work is like taking a gun to humanities head and pulling the trigger? The only worse thing for us is giving a woman welfare to stay at home while the father is removed from the picture.

Well, these proofs are coming. Watch for children who can speak almost straight from the womb. As in, they remember how to speak. What will that do to the nature vs nurture thinking? Well, blank-slate-ism will be gone, at the very least.

The argument of whether children belong to the parents or the state will be answered. They belong to the tribe.

And finally, we will, for the first time in history, start to raise healthy children. And that changes everything.

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The current talk of the day is financial collapse. Collapse of the stock market. Collapse of everything.

And judging by all we have ever seen, this is what is going to happen. All the indicators are pointing to The Greater Depression. You know, MAGA.

However, all of the base structures that created the Great Depression are going away... so what will this coming economic time look like? Well, if we look at history, we have to say, we don't know, nothing like this has ever happened.

The Great Depression was exacerbated by the FED cutting liquidity.
This time, the FED can't do this, although it seems they are trying. But what will happen is that any big move by the FED will be met with everyone adopting cryptos quickly. The majority of the people already lives paycheck to paycheck... there next paycheck will just be in cryptos. For a good percentage of the people, a bail-in will take no money.

The Great Depression was also exacerbated by banks repossessing everything. And, although this time may start out the same, there is also a growing proportion of the population that won't move out when the bank comes. The banksters think they got everyone in the palm of their hand, but they do not realize this only exists if everyone goes along with the banking/bankruptcy system. If the people do not, then the banksters will find themselves with what they had in the beginning... "thin air".

The Great Depression was also a time of starvation. However, with modern farming techniques (not tractors and plowing, that is so last century) everyone can grow their own food in their own greenhouses. Greenhouses are now, not something only the rich can afford, it is something that can be picked up at Harboring Freight.

So, we are looking at a very different set of base circumstances. Which will turn into very different outcomes.

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Many want to do what they did in the past, as in: get into precious metals before the collapse.

And, it may work. For the wrong reason. Silver may become the most important manufacturing resource. As in, national securities level important. And so, those who hold silver will make out hugely. But gold, will become a barbarous relic.

Doing what we did in the past will not work. The playing field is completely changing.

What i can suggest is growing your own food, in your own greenhouse. (It has never been easier)
And get into cryptocurrencies. (but, i know i am preaching to the choir on this one)

Those who embrace the future will be richly rewarded.
(but don't embrace the past, wrapped up in a new pretty package, even if it says Tesla on it.)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


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What we can learn is the truth is not shared with us very easily and you have to do your own legwork so when the “dip comes” you are protected.

Yes, when T.H.E.Y. come to "dip" into your wallet, make sure there is nothing in there but a fiver.

They will need a 12 volt battery and cbles to get my keys @builderofcastles ! other than that i dont even have a fiver in my wallet !! lol wish i did !

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