Priceless: Reporter Asks State Department Official Why They Criticize Iranian Elections and Not Saudi Arabia

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Watch State Department Official Stuart Jones go into a 15 second catatonic state after reporter asks a real question.

Reporter Dave Clark's Question

While you were over there the Secretary criticized the conduct of the Iranian elections and Iran's record on democracy and he did so standing next to Saudi officials. How do you characterize Saudi Arabis commitment to democracy and does the administration believe that democracy is a buffer/barrier against extremism?


Spot On

There's nothing brilliant about the reporter's question here, it's just simply a question that is rarely asked by the complicit stenographers that usually populate the Q & A.

Irish Reporter?

From Alex Emmons Twitter Feed: @alexanderemmons

Alex Emmons on Twitter   Watch as Stuart Jones  a high level acting official in the State Dept  is asked why they criticize Iranian elections but never Saudi Arabia  https RLkKGn48Z7 (1).png

Trump Lavishes Praise on Saudis, but Silent on Human Rights



The hypocrisy of these people is off the charts it makes me sick. It doesn't matter who's in charge nothing changes.
Check this I posted a few weeks ago.
Trump is in their pocket like the last puppet, OBombya. The Iranians have never done anything wrong and treat the ladies with respect compared to the disgusting Saudi's. Female politicians of all countries should be ashamed if they say nothing about this brutal regime and take their blood money as political contributions.

Yes, they're all puppets and I agree with you this hypocrisy is so blatant, it's really unbelievable sometimes. The US invades countries in the name of 'freedom' and 'democracy' but shut the fuck up/ look the other way wherever the Saudis are concerned. Freedom and democracy, ha!

Preach brother! 👍

Politicians are the real comedians. :)

Because Iran is allied with Russia and Saudi Arabia is allied with USA, of course.

Diplomacy is not about spreading democracy and human rights, it is about supporting your allies and blaming your enemies. Except for Switzerland, which is the hub for all the international dirty money transactions.

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