Trump given medal by Saudi's, remember when Obama got a medal!?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Donald Trump arrived in Saudi Arabia today and within a very short space of time was awarded the Kingdom's highest civilian honour the Collar of Abdulaziz al Saud for "his quest to enhance security and stability in the region and around the world"
He was given the award by the latest despotic hypocrite to take charge of the disgusting Kingdom who is currently trying to cleanse the Yemen of Yemeni's.
The last time a US President was awarded with a so called high honour was when Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize prior to launching untold bombing campaigns on civilians, starting an unprecedented drone program, destroying Lybia, acquiesced to the State department and George Soros's orchestrated coup in the Ukraine and oversaw the transition of Al Qaeda into ISIS who subsequently unleashed a wave of unpresidented slaughter ruining millions of lives all over the region and subsequently Europe as the refugees fled the carnage.

It was probably seen by Trumps team as a good photo op but it is becoming increasingly difficult to deny the people he has round him either don't have good judgement or they are part of the deep state trying to take him down because accepting a medal you haven't earned from a mediaeval despot is crap PR in my opinion.
Hopefully it won't go to his head and the medal won't turn him into a narcissistic war criminal like Obama, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Looking at the itinerary of his 9 day 5 country tour is interesting to, when he leaves Saudi he goes to:-
Israel to meet the insane war hawk Netanyahu. On to.........
The Vatican to meet the Pope who heads up an organisation riddled with child abusers.
On too.........
Italy, hmm not too bad. And finally........
Belgium where I'm sure he'll head straight to Brussels a city rife with child sex scandals and the daddy of all scumbag institutions the EU! What a tour.
I had high hopes for Trump when he was elected and I pray he has a plan to twist the narrative in his favour however unless the chosen itinerary was constructed so he could tell the leaders of the countries and institutions he's visiting that the jig is up I think we need to start worrying.
Because if these are the people chosen as his political allies we really are in trouble.



I have high hopes for him!

Me too, I'm afraid he may get JFK'd.

its funny with Trump, hes good but he has already broken some promises, like impeaching Killary and not audinting the Fed yet hmmm....

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