
If you think that's bad, wait until you learn about dihydrogen monoxide. That shit is everywhere. Powerful enough to grind stone into sand! It's in our food supply! They put it in everything! Even coffee isn't safe from this menace!

God damn it, you beat me to it!!

@trumpman??....παλι τρολλαρεις τον κοσμο ή ετσι μου φαινεται???

Του ιδιου καν και του νερου ! Το νους σσσσ

does this mean we die by surviving? lol.. Resteemed

A mixture of nitrogen and ethylene allows the preservation of bananas. We need to think about this recipe )

I’ve been saying this for so long! And have advised specific people on many occasions to stop breathing !

Oh no... :O and all that Chlorine in the table salt!!!

Really important issue! We must start raising money to spread awareness!

I'd laugh, but there are people here who'll actually believe it, so I don't wanna be responsible for mass genocide 😅

Funny reply😁

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