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RE: Singing In The Shower

in #funny6 years ago

I don't want to do this, I want it to be like back then when I'll mostly browse through the contents and vote what I think is promising. That was when the economic incentives (particularly the rewards curve) worked better.

But I can't afford to not do this if 30% of SP is effectively taking all their voting rewards back and seeing it as part of investment returns. I feel I have to take part now too because this is effectively priced into the investment. And when there's this much SP behaving this way, it's no longer a problem of bad actors, it's a problem of economic incentives within this ecosystem.

I much prefer it if no one or very few people did this, but as an investor it's not rational to fight against economic incentives. So things as they stand I can't miss out.

Not to say there aren't people choosing to not take part. Some are so rich they don't care, some don't really have much interest invested so don't care either, and some are genuinely just stand up moral champions. I'm none of them. But this place can only thrive if it didn't solely rest on the actions of moral champions or people who aren't investors so don't share their interests. And as you can see it's a losing fight. Change the economic incentives (linear rewards, low curation), change behavior.


So much going on here:

...but as an investor...

What do you mean by that? Why should the acceptability of your actions be any different? Is 'investor' shorthand for 'someone who makes ethically problematic decisions in order to maximise return'? I know this sounds crazy, but you can make choices that lead to you making less money.

Yes, this isn't just about you and your behaviour. But unless you need to maximise your returns here due to some external circumstance that places you under duress, you can choose to do the right, if slightly less profitable thing. As an individual, all this 'economic incentives' talk is just an excuse - a convenient lie that people tell themselves.

And if you are going to slavishly follow profit to exclusion of your moral autonomy, at least think about the longer term! I don't know if you've noticed, but not everyone is happy with the way the reward pool is distributed. Are you confident that your behaviour is helping attract new users who are not spammy scamming grifters, phishers, or economic rent-seekers? Because if you are interested in the long term gain to be had from your considerable stake, you'd be doing everything in your power to attract and keep quality account-holders.

I get that it's a big problem. I can even see how some of it happened - it's a 'problem of many hands':

“Where a mishap is the work of “many hands,” it may not be obvious who is to blame because frequently its most salient and immediate causal antecedents do not converge with its locus of decision-making. The conditions for blame, therefore, are not satisfied in a way normally satisfied when a single individual is held blameworthy for a harm” (Nissenbaum 1996: 29).

Nonetheless, we all play a part in what is going on here, and that you play a bigger part than most is the price for owning roughly the 40th most valuable account. You could buy a house in Sydney with your SP. But that will only continue to be true if the steem network doesn't fail.

No one is saying you can't make some decent coin. Give yourself a couple of 100% self-upvotes per day (or equivalent thereof) - no one will begrudge you that if you put that accumulated wealth to work doing something worthwhile.

You don't take any responsibility for your own weakness. The system made you steal from the commons to feather your own nest. You and your ilk are the main reason why this system is dying, are you not? Don't blame the system not having the checks and balances, blame yourselves for being greedy thieves. This place has so much potential but it's stunk like rotting blubber the moment I walked in.

Naijasinglegirl (Nigerian), Gabriel Marcotti (Italian) and Trafalgar (Chinese? Australian? Fuck I don’t know) have one thing in common: having no idea how they inspired a forever unknown internet user into enjoying satirical contents so much he gave up many, if not everything to become one.

Steemit, as I was promised was going to be everything worthwhile. The first few hours were hell, gave up, gave it a try next day and still left unsatisfied. Kept at it, in and out, mostly when bored and then I stumbled on a post talking about “looks” with the catching hook being somewhere along the lines “paying no attention to the one asking if “looks mattered” because he/she wasn’t even good looking” and from that day till now I haven’t missed a day on this platform. Because it really was going to be worthwhile.

Not only were your content among the 0.0001% one could read from the first paragraph to the last, you were also a big supporter of minnows most especially through @traf. Rewarding creative juices that pumped in smart replies each time you dropped a GIF. You were one of the very few man. The very few.

In February, someone dropped a link on a Whatsapp group I belonged to and lo and behold my Traffy was the subject of a rewardpoolrape abuse. There was no thinking twice when I fired the below shots…


Comfirming darksaint belongs to you will be among the top 3 most traumatizing things to happen to me this year and we are not even past April. You fcuked up man. Your defenders, witnesses and all. For what? Dollars? Jesus. Knowledge is virtue. You know that and yet, you fell for a piece of paper. The betrayal from a smart being is the stone cold act of twisting a knife through the heart of a simple minded fellow from the back.

Even if money is your ultimate, it is shameful for a guy as smart as you to chose the short term over long term. If intellect had heaven and hell, you’d end up in the hottest chamber. You know why? Because you know better! Haejin and his gay buddy rancho don’t hide theirs. They do it and say suck it to the faces of poor steemians. Yet their activities are purer than yours. Why? Because you hide behind the once built wall of defense made of little, but mighty in number steemians to fuck steem pool in the arse and come out in bright day light to drop stupid gifs and have a laugh without us knowing your rape section is what really gives you the only amusement you got in life.

You’ve shattered hopes and beliefs left and if you refuse to divert from this part of perdition, a desert awaits where berniesanders will have a field day making your investments weep for a total withdrawal and flight away from this platform because there will be no little fishes to nudge the surge of steem’s number one shark.

Goodluck mate. I wish you what you wish yourself.

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