Showing Your Workings

in #funny6 years ago

When the teacher asks you to solve '2-1 = ?' in front of the class and you decide to show your workings

gif from giphy


These two guys are distracting him from solving tough maths problem(2-1 =?)

If your teacher is Chuck, never try to messed with him :D

Traffy, can you solve this math problem? Don't you feel it's like STEEM price when it rise twice lol :D


instead of using a duster, he has a mirror
that's his secret

Thanks for you...

When showing off your video games skills

and mario can help with the plumbing due to all the condoms clogging the toilet

2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3 quick maths
-Big Shaq

yeah and what do you think the chances are of me getting that reference? :p

Fat like your wife

Chuck Norris doesn't need to teach a class, students already know the answers as soon as they are in his presence!

the answer is whatever the hell he says it is

Chuck Norris can divide by zero

hope he does it with steem price

My teacher was talking about the theory of evolution in class last week and I told her, "There is no theory of evolution, just a list of beings that Chuck Norris allows to live.”

poor dodo birds never stood a chance against roundhouse kicks

it is very beautiful funny. i for you appreciate post.DQmdj5yjCjoS6eC39WmTHo6Au5Zz61cgJKBnJecN8ePUfu7.gif

He was too far away to kick him - theres another table between them

The teacher received the best answer(2-1=?)

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