Remember That Time?

in #funny6 years ago

When your friends mention that time in 2013 when you go so black out drunk you drank from the urinal at the pub

Gif from giphy


Honestly I can't remember how I was drunken at that time, but I can remember BitCoin was at $100 at that time lol :D

Anyway Traffy, when I am drunken it's all Hangover time lol :D


don't jinx it
it could go down to 100 again lol

Haha like you do lol :D


I wish i'd known what was going to come

And proposed to the hooker who is now your soul keeper

it's how i met my wife indeed

Is it Wednesday?? .. I'm trying to remember that moment..

for you, probably every wednesday :p

hahaha that s true..

no, it's 3 days latter

Haha just don't eat those little blue things and then fall asleep. This happens


they're green by the time i get to them :)

Lol, for some it's just unforgettable moments, even after so many years, hahaha

dinner party at your place?

Lol. Friends remember and I remember, and I want to hide from them, so as not to see how they laugh at me.

my wife could use that box during our private moments

I remember I wasn't thirsty anymore

things on my list i never want to experience

Lil Wayne is backing you on this one...


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