Buy The Dip?

in #funny6 years ago

When people try to buy the dip in cryptos

gif from giphy


Yeah, every time when I found a Dip in crypto lol :D

Traffy, welcome back to 2017!


lets go to the end of 2017 rather than the start!

Ah yeah, it's a good idea lol :D


When you are trying to buy the dip..Look to this video..

there is nothing but the dip these days
dip keeps dipping in shit

That s true ..

Hmm I guess I had the wrong impression when I was told to buy the dip


they really should give you the dips for free
i hate paying extra for them

Reminds me of my retirement safety net that I'm looking forward to

ahh self managed retirement fund in crypto eh?

I just hope I remember to power down my account before my body powers down.

Don't miss this action.

Awe missed it.

Didn't see that hole.


Seriously if bit coin goes under 5,000 a lot of miners will turn off their machines. Then its a game of supply and demand.

By the way I think I stole this joke from you before you wrote it :)

well shit it's actually going up atm
i wonder if that's the case by the time you read this msg

Wow. It went more than I could have ever guess. You know I was hoping to come in at like 80 cents per SBD. That might never happen. Guess I'll be a minnow a long time.

There is always more depth when you try to buy the dip.

guess that'll be a red colored dip there

noooo, not that dip

To dip or not to dip? That is the question! This looks like something they do in my part of the world when deer hunting season is in session.

When i found cryptos to buy but cryptos is the dip.... LOL

When i find crypto to buy. But it's not available.

When cryptos is available to sell. it's call crypto dance

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