Back Handed Compliment

in #funny6 years ago

When someone congratulates you for looking great post-op but you never even had gender reassignment surgery in the first place

gif from giphy


Two years ago I watched the Miss Busan competition, ( South Korea’s second largest city). These were the competitors

Either they were all sisters or they all clipped the same picture and showed it to their plastic surgeon

2 of them were brothers

Trump got it right in the first place. Just grab them by the pussy.

with someone like that it's really 50/50 what they have down there

@Trafalgar, easy please. How would you know.

Congrats on the baby Traf

gif from giphygiphy (38).gif

doc is recommending c section but i think i'm going to go the old fashion way and push it out of my pee hole

ew :P

You know, a good way to tell if your she used to be a he is by their hands. She may get a great nose job and a new set of tits, but the last thing on the list is going to be those man hands. If she's got a handshake that can crush your bones, that's your sign. Unless that's your thing of course, then more power to you.

trump use to be a woman

Thanks for you....

You are great sir

Your sense of humour calls for a Guinness book of records I tell you.
Obama is gone and jokes about him has stopped. Sorry Trump, you have to bear it all for now.

There are normally some dead give aways if you look hard enough!

damn tuck it so far in it's half up your own ass

Feels better that way Traffy

Finkle and Einhart. One of the greatest movies ever!!

Some of Jim Careys best work!

You have just saved lots of money, post surgery pains and time loss, and you got the boobs to show for it.

This why you should never interrupt a person complimenting you.

be worse to have the surgery then change your mind and have your old bits back

Thanks for you

Being blond is the secret to getting a good cross-dressing compliment.

i'll keep that in mind for the next time i cross dress

Very funny meme

Thanks my dear friend @gentelbot

Really Very funny

Once my friend said, he had a sex with gender re-assigned woman (previously man)! While sex my friend found she was a man before :D He entirely pissed off and told me, if you want to find the correct gender of a woman who she was man before, just check her neck! You can find a difference there.
So, now I am checking necks of woman as step #1 :D
Coz, I need natural born tits, nor d!ck which is cut off :D


It's difficult to know who to make a move on these days.

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