
Nice entry and thanks for the promo post!

Thanks! You're a great guy to follow around here. You seem to actually want to have fun.

It beats the alternative!

A downvote was applied to partially counter earlier whale votes as an experiment to reduce whale domination of voting influence. Not intended to express an opinion on the content nor result in a net reduction of rewards or reputation (automated notice)

So you get punished here for an influential person liking your post? What kind of system is this? It seems like you didn't even look at my post? Someone looked at my post and liked it, but you decided they can't like it without even looking at the post? I knew this system was weird but that is simply bizarre. Is this the twilight zone?

You're not punished. The downvote is a partial offset, so the overall effect is still positive, just somewhat moderated rather than the extreme disparities we've seen previously

Clearly this is a weird system and I have figured out that people can vote however they want but it sure feels like a punishment. One second I had earned about 80 cents the next second it was knocked down to 30 cents. Its such a tiny amount that I don't care but if that isn't a punishment I don't know what is. It's a tiny punishment but it was still more than half what I had earned. Plus now what if someone else won't vote on this because they saw it got these negative dots? Its not even an hour old and now everybody who looks at it will think I did something wrong or something. Who knows maybe 150 people were going to vote on this but now they won't. And you never even looked at the post. Its like walking up to a kid at a lemonade stand and taking half of their money because you think their lemonade sucks even though you never tasted it. By the way I also make excellent lemonade.

Wonky experiment to be sure - fret not, no one will take your excellent lemonade for more than a few days (assuming you were selling lemonade at the standard 10 c of yesteryear, and you lost the equivalent of 5 glasses of lemonade... or 10 therapy lessons with Lucy).
Things will go back to normal next week I expect; keep on posting, this experiment introduced by @abit (no whale voting so we tadpoles have our upvotes count for more to see what happens) should conclude shortly.

PS Have you heard about Jonestown?
Stick to drinking lemonade - Don't make the switch to koolaid ☠️

Actually I'm starting to think this is more of a Koolaid type of place. How weird. So what happens next time someone else decides to "experiment"?

That's the beauty of beta brother!
We're all early adopters of something or nothing. Time will tell.
Meanwhile I'm having a lot of fun writing funnies and recounting the cool stuff I'm doing: tales of my travels, self-torture (for fat loss), ridiculous hobbies, neat stuff I've learned, scotch reviews, etc.
It's a chronicling of my life that will live forever on the web for a bunch of strangers who may someday be real life friends...
Without creepy Facebook being all up in my business.
I really enjoy reading your posts - went back and read all you've submitted so far.
Carry on man! 👍 😀

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