Writing the Epic ‘One Year on Steemit’ Post: Not Gonna Happen- Busy Saving The World Here

in #funny7 years ago

In it’s elongated spiral trajectory through space, the Earth has completed another... wait.

it was a day much like this one, with the same august urgency in the chatter of the nightly crickets, and, wait... oh hang on.

I was young. I had only dreams, but even the dreams were giants, which was to be expected after all, for I too was giant! And yet, even as I stood strong and tall, and even as some of my most cherished dreams lay shattered around my feet, I... oh hell just a second.

Who knew this was going to be so complicated? I can explain the problem, I think. I’m being forced to write a One Year on Steemit Anniversary Post as required by law, and therein lies the trouble. I’m a complete anarchist! To make matters worse, I just passed the 800 Followers milestone as well, and as the blockchain will forever attest, this notable milestone will scarcely be mentioned by me either.

It’s simple though: my followers mean a lot to me, and in my fairness and compassion I wonder how the other 799 would feel if I started making a big deal about the number 800? Would the other 799 feel like they were less important to me than those followers who’d stumbled along more recently? I dare not take that risk, as I so love them all!

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There’s Actually No Such Law

I realize that there’s no actual law at Steemit saying that I’m required in any way to make chronologically-significant posts, or any particular post whatsoever. I’m happy that there’s no such laws at Steemit, and truly, in such a place where there exists the free and voluntary exchange of ideas, goods and currencies, no rules are really needed. Furthermore, I have nothing against a nice One Year at Steemit post, and I have read some great ones in just the last few weeks, full of stories from ‘back in the day’, loaded with touching bits of wisdom, and written with the sardonic humor which is inherent in having been a part of Steemit for a year-- especially this last year!

That’s the trouble though; having read these great One Year on Steemit posts recently, there is a lot of pressure to produce something comparable, but I have a confession to make here: I’ve already written all of my best material! There’s no way I could write such an epic post as I’ve seen here already, and I should have started composing it a year ago if I wanted to come close to matching the quality of these newest annually-inspired masterpieces.

A whole year on Steemit really is worth writing about! Lately I’ve seen some brilliant posts on the topic, really, featuring dazzling screenshots from the early days on Steemit, high-grade anecdotes and quips, tributes and many thoughtful thank-you’s to the many Steemians who have inspired the persistence that it takes to post with some consistency, while interacting meaningfully and lovingly with others here for an entire year. Beautiful stuff.

In these recent ‘one-year’ posts that I’ve seen, the wording used in describing how Steemit has actually improved the lives of the authors and so many people in such a quick year was always eloquent and tasteful, and if those one-year anniversary posts were written by somebody who has been so dramatically enriched by this platform as I myself have been this past year, then I know that those sentences were written from their hearts, as a mere brain could never find the words to describe such an exquisite feeling-- only the heart can express it properly.

Concerning Today’s Post

So I have been here for a year, and I feel all of the same feelings of accomplishment as I should, but have decided not to write a post about it. I came here to help to save the world, and there’s hardly time to prattle on about chronological events or significant landmarks of the past. Besides, it would feel awkward to throw myself a big birthday party, and I don’t feel like cleaning up afterwards-- always such a mess. Anyway, we have a world to save right now. I never know how we’re going to save the world, and my posts are varied accordingly, because things are always changing, both in the surrounding world and on Steemit, but save the world we shall.

Uniform Inconsistency

If I were to write a post about what I’ve experienced in my twelve months on Steemit, that post would probably include a medium-length paragraph about the uniform inconsistency of the platform-- it’s always changing. If there is something about Steemit that bothers a particular individual, it will likely change before they can write a post about it. Conversely, if there is a feature that we like about the place, it will either break or disappear the moment that we identify it. After a year of such dynamic change, a Steemian like me learns to bend with the weather so that we don’t snap. As they say in nearly every region in the world, ‘If you don’t like the weather, stick around-- it’ll change!’

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Game Rules

Saving The World

I originally signed up on Steemit to write comedy (don’t laugh) but then quickly remembered that I have a world to save, especially when I saw so many others here speaking the truth freely, and being rewarded instead of punished for it. My mission became making an art out of pointing out the absurdities in everyday life that have been overlooked for too long, and as hilarious as some traditions and habits of my culture already are, I find the humor in admitting that modern civilization is something new to me, and I have lots of questions. So far, a whole year’s worth of questions have accumulated on this blog page in the form of humor, philosophy, fiction and parable, posts about themselves, and in fact this very post celebrates my first ‘post about itself’ in quite a while. It’s nice to reflect on the good things when looking back, and helps me to remember my purpose in helping to save the world.

This is a good place to conclude this post about itself, especially since it’s specifically NOT written as a One Year On Steemit post, I believe that’s enough about that.

thanks as always for reading along, and I do appreciate the support from my more than 800 followers-- if you are reading this, I thank you
images above by me, Photoshopped a little bit



Congrats on the year, though technically this post wasn't about that but was only mentioned in passing on your way to saving the world.

Exactly right, but I appreciate it, it is an accomplishment worth mentioning.

I think legally speaking you are in the clear. 800 followers and a year is quite the feat. Most people that began a year ago gave up for what I've heard. Congratulations. You should include a screen capture of your first post with the date.

The other day I went to the 'dead followers' app and there were at least 100 that I unfollowed because they hadn't posted a thing or been active in months. The ones that matter are still here, or will return.
The screen capture; by choosing not to make an anniversary post, or an 800 post, I was so stubborn that I refused to share the screen shots here, I wanted to stay focused on not making a post about it!

This comment was meant to compliment the niceness of this post, but I thought to mention a short segue as an aside. So, segue warning. I meant to congratulate you on your first year when I saw the steemitboard comment, but I forgot to include that in my previous comment. I feel an apology is in order, that's why I included this as an aside to this comment. Congratulations on a remarkable first year here! I'm a month older than you here, but you have achieved so much more. You do great work whether it's art or fiction, or even just funny commentary, and you never cease to amaze and entertain with your posts. This one is no exception. Truly a wonderful first year! And the good news is that it's only the beginning. You've set the bar high for yourself, brother!

Anyway, so yeah, nice post.

I appreciate the compliment, this comment is the type of input that inspires me to keep doing what I do, and to improve as I go. Thank you for the encouragement, as any creator does from time to time, I often feel like I'm not really adding much to the value of the platform, but this kind of input fixes that type of worry properly, I thank you!

If I'm not able to give massive whale votes (or even a dollar-worth for that matter) then I at least want my comments to have a lasting effect. I really take the time to comment because I want to give justice to the author's effort in making the post. Since we're all content creators here, we should know the work put in to creating a post. I just want to show my appreciation of that whatever way I can.

Also, I gave you a @randowhale vote for this, so hopefully that was worth a couple of bucks haha!

Thanks for the randowhale vote, I saw it but didn't know where it came from!
I think you have a good attitude towards value- the input in the comments really does make a post more valuable. Somewhere I heard or read that information is the new gold, or even oil- that info is more valuable than either of those old economic foundations now. I suppose this is showing up in blockchain tech, and crypto and all, so we increase the value of the blockchain with information. There was a time, I remember, that the tallest buildings in a city were the banks and their related oil/energy giants, but over time the tallest structures in a given city became the communication industries like AT&T-- information sharing networks basically. Now though, we are the new prospectors, actually creating the commodity so that it can be added to the decentralized wealth of all beings, and the comment section here even acts as a sort of side creek where anyone can add to the wealth and benefit from the exchange.
Any way, thanks for adding such value to the world, and to this little fractal of info!

Now that's an awesome view of value! You should really write a post on that. Seeing it only as reply doesn't do it justice. You're right though, that what's valuable is ever changing. Who knows, maybe in the future information might be obsolete, and we're restarting the cycle. But yeah, for now, I do believe that comments are what really elevates a post. That buzzing of activity is worth more than a thousand blind votes. That is, unless those votes are worth a dollar each, then in that case, one might argue that $1000 without comments is greater than 1000 comments without votes haha!

Oops edit: replied to meself

after spending some time on steemit i really don't think that follower number is of any use just my personal view in this case as there is no engagement you get towards a single post most of them just follow for follow rule.
BTW congrats on hitting many milestones :D

Yes I've noticed that too, if 800 followers meant 800 upvotes then this would be a whole different world!

hahah that would be like icing on the cake hahah can't even imagine

great and you are so right but I think the world is a little behind the eight ball to be saved, then again, maybe it is just a break shot coming up, a new game?

Oh it's the perfect time to save the world, I insist on thinking-- believing that it's too late, that's just what they want us to think!

I had my 1 year anniversary a month ago and wrote jack shit about it lol. Had many follower milestones too (I guess the milestone number is really arbitrary anyway) and didn't write about them neither :-)
I felt that I would be kind of lame by following this trend and of post about such things. Just my personal opinion.

Congratulations, of course! :-)

Yep I tried to avoid the lameness of such a post by announcing that I wouldn't be doing one, little things like that amuse me somehow, more than a proper anniversary post. Thanks!

I have over 1000 people following me and nearly no one is commenting on my posts. So i believe it is useless :'(

That is the way it seems sometimes, and I've had that same feeling, but sometimes just a few friends commenting on a post will keep me busy for a while.

Congratulations for being one year child in our community. Your purpose to save the world is great point. You are most generous enough to achieve success in life. My heart full wish always have with you. In the period of one year you may have vast amount of knowledge and experience and I think that is your treasure in life. I am not so much telanted like you guys but I want to live in this community ,this is possible only sharing and supporting each other. I am now getting much support from you, thanks a lot for that, I wish success in your life. Happy steeming friend.

Thank you @maya7 it's nice to have you in the community too, my typing is getting faster so I can respond faster to more Steemians all the time, I was doing it wrong for nearly a year!

Most welcome friend. It is the sign of energetic people,but not wrong habits. But I have the wrong habits as I am not able to respond quickly as morning time I have lots of works as I am a govt servant. So sorry to reply back lately. Have a great day friend.

I will not say happy anniversary or happy steemit birthday as this is not an anniversary/birthday post, instead I will say Congratulations on saving the world, one brilliant blog at a time!

Thank you, and yes we really are doing it here!There will be much resistance, but it's underway, from the Playground to the Fictionarium and beyond.

thanks for your toughts and you are doing well on steemit! I look up to people who have been around since the beginning. you are an example to all of us.

Thanks for commenting- I have been here since almost the beginning, and it's been a lot of fun and a lot of challenges, a lot of changes, but I'm hanging on!

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