Why Humans Don't Drink Monkey Milk- Earthly Comedy ReviewsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

Dairy monkeys out of work

Not Exactly a Scientific Article

Why Humans Don't Drink Monkey Milk

Mammaries (not shown) 

An entire species is named after mammaries, and it's for a good reason. Mammals love milk, and milk flows naturally from the mammaries, giving nourishment and life to the mammalian offspring, until the mother shakes them off at some point, forcing the young to seek nourishment elsewhere.

Humans are no exception, and humans like milk so much, they will seek it long after their mothers have snarled and chased them away from her own breast. Humans, having lots of cows laying around with nothing to do, got an idea. Cows appear to be full of milk.

Why Cows?

How did cows become the second mother to mankind? Cows are nothing like humans-- even their mammaries are weird-- but humans discovered that cows were biological grass-processing machines, standing around making fortified grass milk all day, and back in the early days of Earthly existence, the childish desire for milk must have sent some brave ancient cowboy up under some primitive cow to try sucking on the strange udder. The cows didn't seem to care, and this peculiar relationship was formed. Cows were manageable and generally easygoing, and the whole family would take turns squatting down under the animal's bountiful dangling sack, filling up on the fresh warm organic grass milk.

Upon examining, sucking or squeezing, and ultimately tasting the cow, it begins to become clear why humans don't get milk from monkeys, (in case anybody but me was wondering) and I probably won't even bother calling the Dairy Industry to ask; "why don't humans get their milk from monkeys?" I won't call the zoo to ask them, or even the County Extension Office. Instead, I asked a local farmer. 

The conversation with old Mr. Perkins down by the fence line:

ME: "Mr. Perkins, why don't we get our milk from monkeys?"

Mr, Perkins: "What kind of... . Why hell, boy... you ever try to milk a monkey?"

ME: "No sir, I've never tried to milk ANYthing, but it seems like monkeys are more like humans than cows, and if people want to get milk from an animal, seems like they'd take to their own kind, like the familiar... parts, of primates, and all..."

Mr. Perkins: "Now you see, that's your trouble there-- monkeys are TOO familiar... there's eye contact." A cow is miles away from all that squeezin' and suckin'... but a monkey? Not for all the got-dang bananas in the world is a monkey gonna let you squeeze it's tit, much less suck on it."

ME: "Sure, but modern dairy farms have machines that the cows are hooked up to, cramped in tiny stalls so they can't kick around any, and all of the hormone injections grow 'em into these grotesque monsters with tubes and clamps, couldn't they do that with monkeys too?"

Mr. Perkins: "Son, I don't know how you got it in your head that you want some milk from a dang monkey, but I gotta tell you, they ain't like us atall... not a single bone in a person's body is the same as the bones of any apes, or monkeys, or what have ya.  There's no relation. Now, if you wanna make some kind of unnatural relations with a monkey, that's your business. I prefer goats myself."


Mr. Perkins never looked at me the same after that, and I decided to quit getting goat milk from him anymore  after that too. It was a simple question, and Mr. Perkins pretty well gave some simple answers, as to why most humans don't get their milk from monkeys.


thanks, fellow humans, for reading this far, I do appreciate it.

next time on Sience Korner; whales are mammals, can we milk them without too much trouble? 

images by Pixabay


Thanks,that gave me a good laugh.
Resteemed and upvoted.

Perfect! It worked.
Thanks, I appreciate it.

I was thorough; in the conclusion, I wrote that MOST people don't get milk from monkeys. It's all strict sience.

Fair enough. I'll allow it. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

I can't continue. I just threw up in my mouth a bit.

I've had some good gorilla cheese samwiches, but I doubted that the cheese was made from real gorillas.

Always wondered...thanks for clearing this up. One of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Brilliant sience at work. (Used to do pheasant research in the Midwest, had many a conversation with Farmer Perkins. ) Thanks for the creation.

Right? Why not monkeys? Finally cleared that up. I'm glad I could bring a laugh!

Much more of a deep guffaw ( :

Yesterday I was thinking about a gorilla cheese sandwich and concocting this sience work, and then I saw your gorilla article! Then I realized that samwich was going to be harder to make than I thought.

Not sure which would be more difficult, wrassling the gorilla, or milking the whale. Think I'd vie for the whale, if given a choice in the contest. Either way, we'll need a whole bunch more band-aids for the contestants.

Enter, the cow. Or maybe a goat, for a more manageable farming experience.

All this imagery reminds me of duckboy cards of Montana.

Baby monkey growth fluid does make more sense then baby cow growth fluid, now that you mention it. But maybe they would figure out what you are doing and try and milk you back. That would be awkward; especially with the eye contact.

Yeah monkeys are probably too smart, they'd want to make a trade, to go into the dairy business for themselves

Howdy. I have a ?? for you, going to send it via Steemit.chat Might want to chekc that, If that is ok.

Of course, and I have chat, I type slow tho

This was hilarious. Exactly the right article for today ;) Spent some hours away from steemit, but decided to take a peek, glad I did. Definitely resteeming.

I'm glad you're here, and glad you saw it.
Was just reading Dan's resignation thread, yes, there is such a thing!

What does that mean? He's resigning? Where is it?

papa pepper posted a link and quick post

It's looking like today might be a good day to post. I have just over twenty votes and I've already broke two bucks. And I just voted on meesterbooms post and added six cents which is not insignificant ;)

Yep, I just added about 6 cents to Reborn! It is a good day, now I just need to think of a new post...

I'm sure you will. Did you hear about Dan's resignation? Talk about a site in flux, lol. Interesting ride.

Yea last night before I shut down I saw the news. It's probably a good thing I don't know how to power down, but at this point it's probably not worth doing anyway-- by the time I figure it out and start getting actual money, it would be a negligible amount. I never really expected to make money here anyway, so I'll keep making content for whoever is around to see it.

This too shall pass ;) I'm actually not feeling low about any of this, it isn't until recently that I learned steemit is in fact still in beta. Of course there will be major flux in that case. I like the idea of being an early adopter, I think there's a hell of a lot more to gain than to lose, and even if it goes under, well i met you and some other really great people. meesterboom is definitely one to talk to if you want to stay on a positive note lol.

I'm not discouraged, I'm doing what I planned on doing here; learning to be a writer to better present and support my other creations of art or any little thing that I do here, aiming to save the world! I also like the idea of adding value to something, knowing that rewards may come much later. I definitely didn't start here so that I could spend time learning more about crypto and blockchains, I just knew that I would accumulate some value eventually, and that value would be prone to increase. Meanwhile, I've stayed busy writing chronicles of Everything here, and I suppose that I'll become interested in cryptocurrencies when I find out I've become rich with them. The current rates show my account to be worth over $500, a pretty good investment into a beta-level good idea, and I'm but a lowly minnow's worth of the current value. Again though, it makes me glad I haven't learned how to nibble away at that chunk of cheese, or haven't had to.

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