Miss Opinionated : Men are from Mars, Women from Venus #2

in #funny8 years ago

One Country, Two Systems. One Planet, Two Genders

The famous ideology of Deng Xiaoping, one country governed by two systems, the solution to the union of Hong Kong and China, one socialist, one democratic. Much like men and women, living under the same rock, yet living with disparate ideals.

Men and women are different. Not better or worse – but different. Science knows it, but political correctness does everything it can to deny it. There is a social and political view that men and women should be treated equally, based on the strange belief that men and women are the same. They are demonstrably not.

Carnal Needs

Society likes to have us believe that we are different from other animals.
Ask a male lawyer, doctor, or investment banker why they really got into their line of work..

"To get laid."

Yes, humans are not hunter gatherers anymore, but the new food is money. Alpha males are not the high school jockeys or donkey slaying neanderthals anymore, they're the Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerbergs, Donald Trumps, dare I say it, Ned Scotts.

Women are attracted to successful men, because that's the modern equivalent of security.

A woman goes to the bar, dresses in a seductive outfit, claims to be un-interested in men. (Um.. really?)
Regular dude comes to chat her up, she passes.
Rich looking dude comes along, and the rest is history. Literally.

So, a man see's a woman and wonders what she's like in bed.
A woman see's the same woman and wonders how the stunning outfit would look on herself (and by deduction, whether men will take notice, and think about her naked)

Makes you wonder why we bother wearing clothes right?

You see blue, I see teal, you see blue, I see navy, you see blue, I see cerulean

“Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”
― Charlotte Whitton

Twice as well, but twice as complicated.

"No, those aren't the same pair of shoes!
One is violet and the other is purple!"

I guess that's why E.L James called her book, 50 Shades of Grey

Rose Tinted Glasses

Or rather, just plain denial.

The times are changing, and apparently so are people's ability to see properly.

Selective vision is a serious disease.

Eating disorders go hand in hand with narcissism and vanity.

It's amazing how readily men and women objectify and commodify themselves as well as one another.

Yeah, Girls know that skinny, is never skinny enough.

But come-on boys, if it's not the anorexic metro-sexual K-Pop boys (yuck), it's the gym rats.

It's as satisfying to me as, uh, coming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and coming. And so can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am like, uh, getting the feeling of coming in a gym, I'm getting the feeling of coming at home, I'm getting the feeling of coming backstage when I pump up, when I pose in front of 5,000 people, I get the same feeling, so I am coming day and night. I mean, it's terrific. Right? So you know, I am in heaven.
―Arnold Schwarzenegger

I rest my case.

What are your views on these examples? Well, I guess since we all suffer from selective vision, we really don't know if what we see is actually what is there.. but that's a philosophical discussion for another day!



Upvoted because I enjoyed the humor and playfulness.

Although your observations capture generalities for all those living mechanically and subject to "The Selfish Gene" (by Richard Dawkins), do you not envision a possibility of escape into a freer and more creative life for some individuals?

One of my teachers had this to say: "Although extremely important, relationships on this path have nothing to do with the nesting instinct".

Thanks onceuponatime! You're right, I have written this with the intention of playing devil's advocate on some ideas that I don't necessarily agree with, some as a thought experiment, others as intended satire! I actually think that people are a lot more "free" than I have portrayed them here. Stereotypes tend to be the more mechanical people as you say.

Men and women are complementary.
And I really dislike all this egalitarian stuff. It is designed to destroy life. (Literally eugenics)

I am glad you are writing these posts.
It is hard, as a man, to write such posts, as even if every sentence is factual/scientific it is still shot down as misogynistic.

a question about chinese brain: 女人 do you read female person, or do you just read female? I tend to want to read female person... it just seems more appropriate; it makes more sense in reading asian languages.

Thanks, Im really trying hard to draw on both male and female mentalities even if they are satirical or stereotypical. I have also stuck to the simple narrative for the sake of humour. But my intention is to queue some discussion by playing devil's advocate and possibly taking the contrary position to popular well educated opinion.

To answer your question, I read 女人 as just female. I can understand the attachment to "person" since we like to correlate word for word in meanings.

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Miss Opinionated : Men are from Mars, Women from Venus #2 — Steemit

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Ned Scott is a good choice...he-he :)

Just an example!

Very funny (and true)!

Thanks for being opinionated!

That 1st picture is your best portrait photo so far in my opinion, it's fantastic!

Bet that moustache and hat would look good on me

I'll get the marker pen and draw you one on.

Haha ! Thanks! What did it for you ? The moustache ?

That was funny, but I liked the composition with the double reflection in the glasses.

Thanks! I thought it turned out better than I expected, maybe i'm on to something..

Well written, keep up the good work!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Interesting. Never thought of it this way for HK and CN.
Thought they more behaving like mother and son.

"Men are from stars, women are from stars" - this is a FACT! You can quote me now on this if you like ;)

We wouldn't be here, talking and walking and smelling and hearing and seeing and _________, if it weren't for past supernovas changing the elemental makeup of the galaxies. Yes, you and I and everybody else, are the same star-dust, penises and vaginas included!

Yea for supernovas!!!

@sweetsssj funny I saw those cartoons pic from a message one of my students sent me via kakao talk
but then they were written in Hangul
in this case - Chinese :D

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