in #funny6 years ago

Back in the old days we used to have all sorts of standards on Steemit.

When newbs started accounts they were expected to make it clear who they were with some personal info and preferably a selfie with a date. And then do a post with original content.

Now there are people all over Steemit spanking themselves into orgasmic frenzies because there are 900 000 accounts. But half of those accounts are fake and it's standard procedure for newbs to start out with some crap they copied and from then on just resteem dozens of posts.

People used to be expected to post links to everything they copied and people freaked out about plagarism. Now doing posts that are just links to other peoples videos is stock standard.

Two of my favourite Steemians don't give a shit. One of them makes truckloads of cash. The other makes bugger all and gets flagged all the time. But what they have in common is they both say what they think and don't give a fuck who they offend. And I think they are both real people. (hopefully)

A couple of days ago I called out 15 fake accounts - get a life you cubicle farm monkey I said to each one. A real person would tell me to fuck off. But fake accounts don't do that. One of them even upvoted my comment!

My feed is a bit full of depressing end is nigh FUD posts and what I most want to see is humour. The end isn't really nigh, but jokes are a bit thin on the ground lately.

Here are some memes and things that cracked me up. I have no idea where they came from - I copied them off the internet. But I'm not a CIA monkey and I don't work in a cubical farm. I will post photos of my urine with dates if required.



Funny stuff! Thanks for sharing as I needed a good laugh today!

Ohh my- Thank You So Much.

You Mean I'm one of your Favorite Posters on Steemit?

It's true I don't make squat. I'm not even sure- why I spend so much time posting- it's like a sick addiction. But seriously I recently gained 12 pounds- so it's almost the end of the world for me. Don't want to wind up like a land whale- I HAVE to QUIT Steemit Posting & Go out More Often In The Real World- To Get MY BODY MOVING.

Anyway- I once did post an actual photo of my foot- it was one of my earliest postings on Steemit. I hope the 4Chan - 8Chan crew can't track down my real identity from that Foot Photo- I don't want to get outed....

Beautiful Aren't They- do you think I could make enough to pay the rent as a foot model? By the way- I'm available- ya wanna date?


Aren't those Gwen Staffani's feet?

Who are your 2 fave steemians? I'm jelly now.

You are always Jelly!

It's really hard to pick - my all time fav is the one who got me on here - https://steemit.com/@corbettreport

and the one who looked out for me and gave me heaps of upvotes - https://steemit.com/@canadian-coconut

Both awesome!

The two that don't give a shit that I mentioned here are https://steemit.com/@caladium and https://steemit.com/@kyriacos

And you are cool too because you are a funky freak

Is steemit the last place to be politically incorrect? Use to love Don Rickles ...

lol upvoted and resteemed!

hahah was missing your post from so many days lol finally :D

The truth on facebook one is my favorite. :)

good shit bro.
2 bucks!

Image result for grammar meme

She needs to stop eating mcdonalds obviously.

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You absolutely crack me up...So glad I found your blog.

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