"West Texas Family Finds..." (Too Good Not To Share!)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny8 years ago

Now this item is just plain funny:

West Texas family finds rattlesnake slithering up toilet

JONES COUNTY, Texas (KTAB/KRBC) — A Jones County family experienced a nightmare come true when a rattlesnake slithered up inside their toilet last week.

Big Country Snake Removal says the family contacted them after finding the adult snake in their toilet.

When officials arrived on scene, the company investigated the property and found 24 rattlesnakes total in the family’s storm cellar and under the house. Five were babies and the rest were adults.

The snake that crawled up the toilet was able to get inside through a relief pipe that Big Country Snake Removal later sealed....

Rest here: http://kxan.com/2017/02/01/north-texas-family-finds-rattlesnake-slithering-up-toilet/

And of course, we have a picture:

This reminds me of an old off-color joke:

Slim goes into the can to take a leak, as absent-mindedly as a lot of us when we undertake that chore. That's why it was too late when he saw he was directing his stream right onto the head of a rattlesnake who had crawled up the evacuation pipe right into the toilet bowl.

The snake, not taking a liking to being peed on, expressed his displeasure with a nice big bite - right on Slim's organ.

Now, Slim had invited over his good buddy Clem. Clem came a' runnin' when he heard his old friend howl out. Being a man of action, Clem didn't stand very long with his eyes a' gawpin; he ran for the phone and called emergency medical.

"What do I do!? A good friend of mine just got bitten by a poisonous rattler! It happened just seconds ago; what do I have to do to save him!?"

Back came the advice: "If it just happened, you can save him by taking a straight razor blade, carefully opening up an incision near the wound, and gently suck the venom out. That'll save your friend."

Clem, after digesting this, walks back to a Slim still in agony.

"I called the emergency doc, Slim!"

Slim's eyes jerked over to his friend's. "You found out how to save me!?"

Clem girded himself. "Well, Slim, the doc says you're gonna die."

In the spirit of the Steem Meme Challenge, I suggest to @fibra59 that this be the base picture for Challenge #3!

Raw image, if you want it:


It's the left half of the picture embedded n the originally-cited story: http://kxan.com/2017/02/01/north-texas-family-finds-rattlesnake-slithering-up-toilet/


Ugh... No... Just no... I'm already paranoid of this happening. Snakes are horrifying.

Yeah; I sympathize. I'm someone who is,or at least was, scared of the critters. One time I was walking in the woods, I got startled by a humble grass snake.

Oh my goodness! Now I don't ever want to sit on a toilet again!

Heh... Can't tell you if the female version of the joke is just as funny....

I love this post! I know this doesnt make any sense but when i was very young (maybe 5-6) my parents used to tell me that there was a Killer Coconut... roaming the sewer pipes lookig for kids that took too long pooping. Obviusly they wanted me out of the bathroom quick but it still scared the living crap out of me for about a year. LOL Keep Steeming!!!!

Glad you liked it!

I never had a scare story like that laid on me, that's for sure...

I'm sure this actually happened to someone in Australia. That is one of the reasons I am scared to go there (and the 23 hour flight) but there are so many poisonous things there. Luckily we don't have anything like this in England. There was the English adder but it is so rare that nobody ever even sees them.

Yeah: same with Canada. No nasties of that sort that I know of....

...if you don't count mosquitoes, black flies & related blood-suckers (grrr)....

I thought you'd appreciate it, pardner. :)

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