
Funny, because his birth is about the time that I met you...I wrote a comment on one of your earliest This Man's that you described as being one of the strangest replies you'd ever received...than of course This Man approved, LOL.

Going that far back to remember who said what, when and why is pushing the limits of my memory. I make up for it by simply being honest. That way I never have to remember what I said, which is probably what makes me forget in the first place....

If you can't remember, than how would you know if you were always simply honest? Riddle me that lol. I find most people have selective memories in varying degrees, some much more than others.
Having a memory like mine, is a blessing and a curse. Let's just say it is a really good thing that I am completely unable to hold a grudge, ha! I am truly grateful for that aspect of my personality, because my long ass accurate memory would be hell if it wasn't my nature to easily forgive and let things go.

I always remember to remain honest beforehand, that way, I know I was honest during the time I'm forgetting. Nobody is perfect and I think it's fair to say we've all been caught in lies before or at least feel some measure of guilt internally for bullshitting. I hate that feeling. I just can't stand it. It bothers me. Then always trying to remember who heard what and how... then attempting to keep the story straight...fuck that! It's a waste of energy.

As for grudges. I have no problem being pissed with people, provided there's a rational reason to be that way. I get over it. I don't have an issue simply turning my back either. I can't say I feel negative vibes, because that just makes me sound crazy, but if someone is a constant downer, it's best I just remove them from my space rather than trying to change someone only to watch things spiral out of control again. I don't have issues forgiving people for the right reasons either. ...this conversation popped up outta nowhere.

I enjoy talking to people. Shooting the shit. In this comment below you mention the nesting limit changes. It's a good thing. Unfortunately, I've noticed, not many people actually talk. I see a lot debates and I certainly don't have an issue with those, but I don't see people just kickin back and shootin the shit. "Good post!" met with, "Thank you," ... then on to the next one. Too much yapping can be a real chore though, which ties with something you said earlier. As long as I have the time though, I don't mind.

Steemit needs more of this basic socializing stuff though. People seem more willing to talk when it comes time to either bash the platform or recommend what they think might improve the place. I say, if more would just chill out and relax, that would be a huge improvement and far less daunting to the new people trying to find their way around. Anyway, long ass responses are kind of a pet peeve of mine, yet here I am going on and on....

Because A: you missed me too, and B: you're comfortable with me, and C: You absolutely LOVE it when I say shit like this so you were fishing for it...hee hee, kidding kidding (about the last part), don't get bunched up boxers, that shit's uncomfortable. ;)

I missed everyone equally. I'll talk to anyone and feel comfortable. Spending so much time alone downtown Edmonton really helped with that. ... and yeah. You know damn well I don't require praise and if I fishing for compliments, I'm only doing it because it's funny. Just thought I'd clarify. Blockchain. You know how it is...

Okay, so just to clarify. In your long response you said people should do more shooting the shit, actual talking, which I take to mean real human interaction and conversations like hanging out in someone's living room, right? Which is the way that people get to know one another, move beyond shallow polite and frankly boring back and forths to generally a mix of fun banter and deeper more meaningful discussions, which is what happens when you make a connection with people that goes beyond the I on track or off base?

"I missed everyone equally, I'm comfortable with anyone"...that's very diplomatic. But is that simple honesty? And if it is, then do you mean that we are all, everyone you've met on here, interchangeable? As in this conversation could be with anyone, it would make no difference to you who it was?
I actually ask that with completely sincere curiosity. It's...necessary for me to understand this.

Interchangeable? That could only be possible if everyone thought exactly like you. I don't think I'd be able to swap you out for someone else and have this exact conversation. I'd be comfortable speaking to them about whatever we are speaking about though. I once sat on a bus and had a conversation with a dude about how, on his first day in prison, the guards shaved off his pubes. I don't think I'd invite that dude over for a beer, but we did connect because for me, I'd never heard of such a thing and found it to be interesting and I think he found me interesting because I wasn't scared of him. Looking around during the conversation, I could see how the words were making other people on the bus feel uncomfortable and I just don't get that.

Society is weird. You can walk around the big city, see five hundred people, and not one of them will look you in the eye whereas I have no problem simply saying hello to a perfect stranger and maybe shooting the shit for a bit. I speak with anyone, but that doesn't mean I share the exact experience every time. It's always unique. I value those experiences, so therefore I value this conversation in the same ways.

Diplomatic? I can see what you mean there. If I have to pick favorites though, I start to feel cornered. It's not something I enjoy. To me, that comment felt honest within the context. Maybe not the best wording, but I like to speak directly. I do my best to avoid mincing my words and would prefer people just take them at face value rather than reading into them looking for some underlying message. The secret code talk most don't notice can be found in my blog posts, never the comment section.

I think the only time I'll single people out is if someone bothers me. I handle that on the inside though, no need to make a scene or hurt someone's feelings.

I think one major flaw in my character though is how I don't get close to people. I have a deep respect for a good many, but I tend to stand back. If I'm ever pushed to pick sides or favorites, something like that, I tend to wall up. That doesn't make me comfortable at all because I truly think the honest thing to do is to keep everyone on a level playing field. People will find ways to take that personally, it happens, I don't hold it against them, but I don't understand it either. I just like to chill, relax, get to know people but I rarely feel like I need to know what makes them tick. You're you, they're them, I'm me, we're all awesome... and that's good enough for me. I'm stepping a bit outside my little bubble to explain here and now, but you did ask. Just know, out of respect, if someone else had asked, I probably would have gave them the very same answers.

You're a cool cat @dreemit. Be at ease. You're accepted here. Hold on to that confidence and try not to question these things.

Actually though, one aspect of memory I sometimes have trouble with is the short term...stupid shit like walking into the kitchen and having no idea what I went in there to get, standing in the middle of it with what I know is a completely befuddled look on my face. Then I give up, get about halfway back to wherever I was and "Doh!"

(And I can't blame it on getting older, because I have ALWAYS done that, it's more about my head always being, forget the clouds, more like somewhere over the rainbow, lol)

EDIT: I am loving this no nesting thing, makes this so much easier. I didn't realize they were going to include the feature where you have to click to view comments beyond a certain point, but I think that was a good plan. I had this image in my head of certain posts having a daunting bottomless pit, haha!

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